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Free State of Jones Reviews

  • Lacey 2021-12-25 08:01:19

    Without a gun, how can the "Liangshan Hero" reason with others?

    This film is based on real historical events, Newton Knight, a legendary Mississippi in the late American Civil War. During the Civil War, Newton Knight defected from the Southern Army and returned to his hometown. In order to avoid capture, he ran to a swamp and settled down in a swamp. From then...

  • Torey 2021-12-25 08:01:19

    Newton's firmness

    Newton decided to remove the collar from the black man's neck. There will be a noise.   "The hounds will come when they hear the sound."   "How many hounds are there?"   "The patrol will also come."   "How many people are there in the patrol?"   Newton launched an ambush on the patrol who heard the...

  • Adriel 2021-12-25 08:01:19

    [Original translation] The true story of Jones Free State

    The original address The True Story of the'Free State of Jones'. By Richard Grant; Photographs by William Widmer Smithsonian Magazine March 2016 Two rat terriers (Rat terrier) on the heels, holding a long wooden staff, JRGavin collar Walked me through the woods and came to an ancient swamp hideout....

  • Kasey 2021-12-25 08:01:19

    I almost got the ballot

    This is not to rob or negotiate with gangs, but to carry out the election with live ammunition. The Democrats don't want to let the Republican guys in. I squeezed in, and the scrutineer ridiculed that there was no such vote as the Republican Party, and almost shot at random, and finally had to give...

  • Sigrid 2021-12-25 08:01:19

    Plain as water

    Watching this movie feels like watching a very ordinary TV work. It was originally a legendary story, but the story is as boring as boiled water. It hardly feels the point, and there are very few climax scenes. It was watching Matthew McConaughey acting alone there, but without a good story...

  • Irving 2021-12-25 08:01:19

    [Original translation] The true story of Jones Free State

    The original address The True Story of the'Free State of Jones'. By Richard Grant; Photographs by William Widmer Smithsonian Magazine March 2016 Two rat terriers (Rat terrier) on the heels, holding a long wooden staff, JRGavin collar Walked me through the woods and came to an ancient swamp hideout....

  • Hillary 2021-12-25 08:01:19

    [Original translation] The true story of Jones Free State

    The original address The True Story of the'Free State of Jones'. By Richard Grant; Photographs by William Widmer Smithsonian Magazine March 2016 Two rat terriers (Rat terrier) on the heels, holding a long wooden staff, JRGavin collar Walked me through the woods and came to an ancient swamp hideout....

  • Laila 2021-12-25 08:01:19

    I remember that there was universal fraternity

    During the Iraq War, the fairy tales astonished at One Thousand and One Nights were destroyed; at that time, the perception of dark people was far less complicated than today, and they could be disputed without political correctness at all, and racism could not be used. Of course, this should be...

  • Gerard 2021-12-25 08:01:19

    Reflections on Jones' free country

    This is an in-depth movie. Exposes human rights, freedom, and race issues in the United States. Man is man, man is free, the crops he grows, the fruits of his labor belong to him, and the victory of the North in the Civil War also reflects the overall will of the American people. Although the North...

  • Hailee 2021-12-25 08:01:19

    Too ambitious is a gamble

    After watching the film, I just want to ask...what is the screenwriter and director want to say or what is the main idea! After watching the film with the emotion of anticipation being shaken, I feel disappointed. . We have seen-race, friendship, politics, leadership, war..... There may be things...