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Five Little Pigs Reviews

  • Josephine 2022-10-06 15:11:55

    Nice adaptation, in fact, I'm here for Uncle Ag

    The picture is beautiful, the plot is complete and coherent, and it is a very good film. The terrible murder is like the one that shattered everything in memory, and everything is shrouded in a touch of beauty and sadness. The wife is really beautiful, so is the daughter, and the little three also...

  • Alessia 2022-09-14 09:59:28

    In a word, beautiful film

    Recently, I have watched the film and television works remade by Grandma's Book, and in fact, most of them feel that they are still inferior to the original. After all, grandma's too many trivial and sharp details are difficult to copy. But this version of the beer murder is an exception. It's a...

  • Darryl 2022-06-16 23:49:29

    time that can't go back

    Make up for a more nagging great detective Polo's version of "Beer Murder" after watching~

    Let's start with a preface. For me, the most familiar protagonist of detective novels, aside from Sherlock Holmes, is Agatha's Hercule Poirot. After reading the complete works of Sherlock Holmes more than...

  • Christa 2022-06-16 22:21:58

    life and death

    When watching suspense movies, I always like to guess the murderer at the end. There is no evidence. It depends entirely on feeling. Gradually, the feeling seems to be getting more and more accurate. However, my feeling in this movie seems to be malfunctioning. Maybe the characters’ love and hate...

  • Florine 2022-06-16 22:15:45

    "Beer Murder", 5 little pigs each carrying a ghost.

    I didn't know how contradictory human nature was at that time. I didn't know how much pretentiousness was in sincerity, how much vileness was in nobility, or how much virtue was found even in evil. The mean and the great, the evil and the good, the hatred and the love can coexist in the same heart...

  • Corrine 2022-06-16 18:43:55

    Five Little Pigs, a near-perfect adaptation

    The TV version of Poriot series starring David Suchet, although most of them are quite exciting, can fully reproduce the spirit of the original work. Few, on the contrary, there are several works such as "The Dumb Witness" and "House of Illusions". In my heart, "Beer Murder" has always been one of...

  • Missouri 2022-06-16 18:39:23

    A tragedy caused by an extramarital affair

    In fact, this is a love story, a story of a prodigal son who only realizes his true love when he turns back, a downright tragedy!

    When I was reading the book, I was imagining what Elsa's portrait looked like, what kind of woman could murder her lover so ruthlessly!

    Granny's classics are numerous, but...