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Finding Dory Reviews

  • Kristy 2022-06-23 13:18:00

    "Finding Dory"--Where have you gone?

    Where have I been?

    Lost in the bleak life of Bermuda... Where did your.

    What happened to my childhood?

  • Filiberto 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    Finding Nemo 2 Story Introduction

    Dolly suffers from short-term amnesia and has been lost from her home since urinating. She looked everywhere for her parents, and as the days passed, Dolly grew up.

    One day she met the clownfish father and son Marin and Nemo, and the three lived together after that. Dolly accompanied Nemo to...

  • Antwan 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    Will love exist if memory is gone?

    If one day I lose all my memories of you, will you still love me: [Finding Nemo 2: Where Did Dolly Go] After watching the clownfish Marin who crossed half of the Pacific Ocean to find his son 13 years ago, Teach us that true love is to guard silently, not to interfere arrogantly. After 13 years,...

  • Idell 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    a little chatter

    Seeing Charlie and Jenny on the shell roads for Dolly was really moving, with so much love and waiting.

    The imagination here is really explosive, the octopus is driving dangerously, the Lan Tang king? Navigation, do you want to be so good? Beluga and whale shark work together...

  • Kiera 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    Finding Nemo

    The protagonist becomes a neurotic Dolly. Originally, the role of this role is to gag and guide the protagonist through the story with sudden luck, so when the protagonist becomes her, the trick becomes ridiculous and boring, occasionally shaking wit It's very cute, and it's annoying to keep...

  • Julie 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    Most of Pixar can close their eyes and give 10 points

    After hearing about the Finding Dory conference, I have been looking forward to seeing this movie in domestic theaters. Although Pixar is not as shocking to everyone as before, and there is also Zootopia, I am still looking forward to it. The nugget photo can still last, after all, it has brought...

  • Viviane 2022-04-23 07:01:37


    This is the most touching Disney movie I have ever seen. Whenever I see Dolly's family, I feel the happiness of the family, but Dolly is accidentally separated, which makes me know that the beauty of the family needs to be cherished. , and look at Dolly when she was a child, even though she had...

  • Carmela 2022-04-23 07:01:37


    Friends who say that they are younger really don't see the deep meaning of the movie. Life is like a drama, drama is like life. A good movie can always make people feel life. At first when Dolly was going to cross the ocean to find her parents, I was thinking, if it is like the last one, most of...

  • Lois 2022-04-23 07:01:37

    "Finding Nemo 2": cold rice mixed with "fish soup"

    At the beginning of last year, "Zootopia" swept the global box office with one-sided praise upon its release, and the animation giant Disney captured the hearts of the people. Subsequent "Fantasy Forest" and "Captain America 3" were released strongly, and the long-awaited "Finding Nemo 2" sequel...

  • Julia 2022-04-23 07:01:37

    Let the innocence continue to be warm

    After reading it, I can't help but sigh, although it is a sequel, it has also reached the height of the previous work. For a long time, there has not been such a deep and warm heart-warming work about love, friendship, courage and growth, freedom and choice. , that alone is worth it all,...