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Fido Reviews

  • Ocie 2022-08-10 17:21:08

    If there are two lives, there is always one worthless

    If you die once and die again, what will your outlook on life become? First of all, the dead can die again, all they need is a headshot. "Killing" zombies through headshots. Although this approach has been introduced in many literary works and games, this time there is a scientific experiment as a...

  • Everett 2022-08-10 16:11:37

    "Fido"-Who is the zombie?

    Okay, I admit that I am very interested in a certain kind of zombie movie, um... it is a zombie movie with a black comedy color (such as "The Hot Detective" Xiami...- -). If the electric type of film segments, can be considered a kind of zombie movie, and of course, its parent is the terror...