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Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion Reviews

  • Clark 2022-11-23 13:15:39

    Women insert men, men will bleed

    Although the scene of the female prisoner gang-raping the male prison guard is shocking enough, it is only at the end of the film, when the black-clothed Meiko Kaji stabs Xia Yagi's body with one knife at a time, that the scene of the female and the male is sublimated spiritually. The knife was...

  • Alec 2022-09-29 21:01:33

    The second part of this female prisoner series is boring.

    Kaji Meiko's Female Prisoner No. 701 series has a total of 4 films. In my opinion, the first two films are a bit interesting. As a revenge film, the main task is to destroy the enemy. The warden of the film has also been eliminated. By the second part, all the enemies of the heroine have been...

  • Haylie 2022-06-15 22:20:19

    The cage of the power of the chicken

    The humble under the solemnity, the filth under the halo, and the transactions under the protection of power are always the most high-sounding, but the most shameless and the most shameless. There is always a limit to patience, falling in love with the wrong person, acting in confusion, all...

  • Tre 2022-06-15 21:52:22

    The police are the underworld

    The police are the underworld is what I feel after watching the film, I feel sympathy for the protagonist in the context of the police being the underworld, that kind of resistance is no...

  • Loren 2022-06-15 21:19:11

    1972's hyperbole and avant-garde abstraction new wave film

    It has the effect of a stage play. This 1972 film is really avant-garde and abstract. It is also the director's first work. The visual effects are very shocking and the meaning is relatively general . The female prisoner was naked all day, wandering the streets, she thought she would be humiliated...a

  • Mortimer 2022-06-15 19:23:15

    A woman's road to revenge

    How much does Quentin like this pink masterpiece that Jun Ito also directed? Even the soundtrack was moved directly from "Kill Bill". It is also possible that he loves the starring Kaji Meiko. After all, the fight in the snow in "Kill Bill" is another movie "Shura Xue Ji" starring her. "Female...

  • Roselyn 2022-06-15 14:45:52

    Even resistance is oppression

    Japanese films in the 1960s and 1970s had a common problem when they reflected reality, that is, they were overly gloomy and lacked a sense of humor.      Female prisoner No. 701 told a very simple story. Omoko falls in love with a male policeman and promises to be an undercover agent for a drug...