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Falling Down Reviews

  • Theodore 2021-10-22 14:34:54

    The feeling of fucking MLY

    Preface: If life raped you, would you dare to rape life? The context of the story is very simple. It is a stubborn man who has lost his job, but thinks of his ex-wife to go to his daughter's birthday. The mistake was a few years ago, they didn't have a plan to have children, which led to the birth...

  • Noah 2021-10-22 14:34:54

    The world is falling down

    Sometimes I feel that watching a movie is really a way to see the world. It is like a textbook, and it will show you many things that exist in the objective world but you may not have thought about it or understood it at all. I don't agree that it is a movie about a person's midlife...

  • Dahlia 2021-10-22 14:34:54

    Both are pure men!

    Part One: Bill, male, middle-aged middle-class, a few years ago he owned a beautiful house with his beloved beautiful wife of Italian descent, a 2-year-old little angel daughter. Of course, there is also a symbol of all middle-class A happy puppy with a happy family. Not only does he have...

  • Gloria 2021-10-22 14:34:54

    We're all fucked

    Falling Down is a very interesting film, I want to call him the rant version of Linklater Fastfood Nation. In fact, the two films are not similar from genre to narrative, but the core seems to me to achieve the same goal by different paths. Every country has a skeleton in the cupboard,...

  • Felipe 2021-10-22 14:34:54

    Are you a little tougher?

    The movie is a good movie, full of strong rhythm and tension, thinking is behind. From three perspectives, the characters are cleverly compiled together with a full plot. Although the protagonist is this paranoid man. But you can also recall this movie from the day of a retired police...

  • Coby 2021-10-22 14:34:54

    I want fifty cents of pineapple buns! ! ! ! I also want to eat KFC's breakfast at noon! ! ! ! !

        I also want to go to the bakery to wave a baseball bat to the clerk who always likes to turn my eyes on me, ask her the price of everything, and then comb out all the items that have increased in price, and then buy it with 50 cents until now it has become two. Yuan pineapple buns.... 

Falling Down

Director: Joel Schumacher

Language: English,Spanish,Korean Release date: February 26, 1993