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English Vinglish Reviews

  • Laverna 2022-03-22 09:02:26

    Indian English

    Sha is an Indian housewife who likes to be a radu ball, because she takes care of her family as the center of her life all day long, which is a bit out of touch with the times. Shahi, who does not understand English, was ridiculed by her husband and daughter in her life, and the reduction of topics...

  • Vicenta 2022-03-22 09:02:26

    Inspirational p! Isn't that sad! ! ! !

    I'm speechless, but this kind of ghost movie can also be praised by the whole network. I'm really angry after watching the movie. After watching the online comments, I'm even more angry

    A film about equality results The basic context of the film is that the female protagonist of Western superiority...

  • Nakia 2022-03-22 09:02:26

    after watching

    I wanted to give it four stars. But I'm still uneasy about the ending.

    I know that in the context of Indian society, it is normal for the heroine to make a decision to return to her family. But I really hate this man who doesn't know how to respect the heroine at all! I also know that the heroine...

  • Xzavier 2022-03-22 09:02:26

    Indian English: Self-redemption for modern women

    Public number: Meet the sunset

    After watching "My God" and "Wrestling, Dad", I overturned the stereotype that Indian movies would only be boring singing and dancing. From then on, I fell in love with Aamir Khan and fell in love with Indian movies. Uncle Mi's movies have basically been watched. Three...

  • Scarlett 2022-03-22 09:02:26


    I thought it would be a bland and inspirational movie about learning English well, but when I saw it at the end, I suddenly burst into tears. In the end, Indian movies are magical, happy comedy, happy singing and dancing, always like to make people cry in the plot and the magic water related to...

  • Celestine 2022-03-22 09:02:26

    Respect is what we get, self-confidence is what we give, a little more independent ability, a little more ability to study hard, will be the best flowers and applause on our future life road

    In the past two years, my preference for movies has gradually shifted from European and American blockbusters to the third Indian brother. Like the third brother's "Three Silly Troubles in Bollywood", "Awkward God", "Genius Gunner", "Wrestling Dad", etc., the quality of these films is getting...

  • Pasquale 2022-03-22 09:02:26

    Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance

    As soon as the heroine appeared on the stage, I felt so beautiful, especially the side face and big eyes. I was deeply attracted by her. She is good at cooking, and she can also do a small business and sell small snacks made by herself. One son and one daughter , life is still moist! But as a...

  • Raul 2022-03-22 09:02:26

    Respect of others comes from self-confidence


    (Solemnly stated: Take a break from your busy schedule and take a half-day annual leave [laughing] It's not working time to fish)

    ?When I watched "I Might Not Fall in Love with You" in college, it was so scary when it was mentioned that women were 30-year-old with...

  • Emil 2022-03-22 09:02:26

    "Indian English" after watching

    It is a rare good movie, inspirational and warm. I have always had a good impression of Indian movies. The feeling that watching Indian movies gives me is that what a movie presents is multi-faceted, it will reflect social problems, it will praise certain qualities, and it will also analyze...

  • Kayley 2022-03-22 09:02:26

    Indian English

    Sha is an Indian housewife who likes to be a radu ball, because she takes care of her family as the center of her life all day long, which is a bit out of touch with the times. Shahi, who does not understand English, was ridiculed by her husband and daughter in her life, and the reduction of topics...