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English Vinglish Reviews

  • Kristian 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    If you fall behind, you will be beaten

    At that time, China was closed to the country and lagged behind the world wave. The consequences: no right to speak, being invaded.      This woman was looked down upon by her husband and daughter because of her poor English.       Because the daughter of the woman's sister was getting married, she...

  • Bernadette 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    Women, if you don't force yourself, you don't know how powerful you are!

    Recently, I have been trying to make up for my English. I just want to be a role model for the children who will go to school, and I hope that they will be tutored by me in their English classes in the future. Signed up for the English class in Hujiang, set a goal, and learned every day step by...

  • Antonio 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    Since they don't love each other, why stay together

    If you don't like yourself, you will hate everything around you. But if you learn to love yourself, everything around you will gradually become attractive. The life that was originally silent as dead water began to become new and beautiful.... 

  • Scot 2022-04-19 09:02:36

    Respect for women cannot rely on women's self-awareness

    Learning English well can surprise the husband and children for a while, but it is impossible to change the whole life.

    The female protagonist did realize the sublimation of her self-perception, but in the end she returned to the patriarchal society of India and continued to be a housewife, serving...

  • Jabari 2022-04-19 09:02:36

    The best to Shashi

    This is a story about mothers and children, wives and husbands, people and themselves.

    As a housewife, Shahi has an amazing cooking skill. Her only hobby is making dura balls and selling them to people in the community. She is an entrepreneur (entrepreneur). But she can only speak Hindi and is not...

  • Giovani 2022-04-19 09:02:36

    I don't need love, all I really need is dignity

    "Indian English" is a film about a married woman in India growing up. It's a movie worth watching many times. I've watched it 3 times. Every time I watch it, I can have a different feeling. My favorite is the heroine's sentence "I don't need love, what I really need is respect" From the side, it...

  • Rhoda 2022-04-19 09:02:36

    "Indian English" comprehension

    Today I listened to the 43rd question of Teacher Fan Deng's Himalayan talk show "I have a question"---I am nervous every time, what should I do?

  • Carmel 2022-04-19 09:02:36

    make a wish and work hard

    The heroine's experience is the same, the first time she went abroad, the first time she was asked by the customs, the first time she made the subway and the first time to order food, that kind of panic, those scenes of tears. If I go to New York now, it's probably the same. English has always been...

  • Tre 2022-04-19 09:02:36

    Just need

    If I watched it a few years ago, I might have used the heroine's perspective as the main line, and saw that she was in a dilemma when she was criticized everywhere. The more you watch it, the more you can feel that every point of conflict is a movie, which is not very natural, there are too many....

  • Melba 2022-04-19 09:02:36

    Falling in love with a woman because of a movie

    If you don't like yourself, you will hate everything around you, but if you learn to love yourself, everything around you will gradually become attractive, and the life that was originally silent like stagnant water will begin to become new and beautiful. .

    A person, a woman, especially a woman who...