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English Vinglish Reviews

  • Dariana 2022-04-21 09:03:01

    Don't use your position to judge others

    This movie is one of my favorite Indian movies I've seen so far. Whether it's the storyline or the soundtrack, camera shots, singing and dancing. Still watching no subtitles non-Chinese.        The story is probably that shashi is a housewife, and it seems to outsiders that she should have a good...

  • Nico 2022-04-21 09:03:01

    Maybe she just wants to know more about me

    It's a very moving movie. Forgive my shallowness, I may have paid more attention to two points. One is hard work, and the other is the sadness of wanting to integrate into family life. The dislike of my daughter and her classmates on the phone to speak English reminded me of the situation when my...

  • Fiona 2022-04-21 09:03:01

    Confident, assured, bold.

    "Children of today don't know why they always feel that their parents have made themselves humiliated" I'm so sorry "The first time is unique" "Confident, assured, bold" Women need some friends who will take you everywhere to see. When you do something independently, go to a place, even if at first...

  • Kraig 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    Indian English

    The film tells that the heroine Shahi is a typical Indian housewife who focuses her life on taking care of her family. With a good cooking skill, she is often ridiculed by her husband and daughter, intentionally or unintentionally, because of her poor English. She has some indescribable...

  • Cleora 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    I don't want love, I want respect

    Repeated a lot of the plot, just because I like it too much.

    I like this kind of movies that are based on simple life, just like the lunch box I have seen before. It stands to reason that such life scenes are not absent in China, and we cannot extract them from reality. In Indian movies, no matter...

  • Lionel 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    love is respect

    The heroine Shahi lives in a villa, a private car, and workers in India, which we think is poor and backward. Her husband speaks fluent English and fishes well in the workplace. Her daughter is a famous person in an international school. Where is she only rich? , but a little woman who can be...

  • Chance 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    A woman should give up her right to pursue freedom and happiness when she is old, what is the difference between that and death?

    Last month, my computer suddenly popped up a piece of news, "Famous Indian movie star Hiri Daiyu drowned in a hotel in Dubai". I searched the Internet, and the whole screen was full of this news. Friends who don’t know Indian movies may not know about Shili Daiyu, but if you pay a little...

  • Rebeka 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    What I want is not love, but respect

    In fact, there are many movies about women's rights in India. But this one is not as naked as "Wrestle, Dad", and it is not as bloody as "Hot". In this one, there are more cultural conflicts; more short-style life in the parents; more touches my feelings. 1 Shahi is a housewife with a son and a...

  • Lela 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    Indian children learn English very seriously

    It is another film that reflects the status of women in India. It is very innovative to use English as the starting point. The Taiwanese translation is very interesting, save the food in English, hahahaha.

    The deepest feeling in the film is the sudden outburst of emotion when the heroine was...

  • Aryanna 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    Women's independence and self-confidence are given by themselves

    After watching this Indian film, I am deeply touched. The Indian film is still well done. It can always directly hit the pain points of life, vividly portray people's joys, sorrows and joys, and at the same time express deep human nature and interpersonal relationships through these stories. All...