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Ella Enchanted Reviews

  • Cary 2022-11-24 19:53:38

    Mirror "real" visualization

    The most memorable scene is that when Ella released the dagger by his own will, the prince who was looking up found in the mirror. At first, the prince listened to Uncle Char's words, but finally believed Ella. In my opinion, the filming connection of this segment is too jumpy, but it just reflects...

  • Evans 2022-11-24 07:33:04

    perfect fairy tale

    Watched with roommates. Magic, fairy tale. We probably like to read such light-hearted and beautiful stories that, even with occasional villains, good will triumph over evil. There is no need to worry when you see the hero and heroine being treated unfairly. The ending is always the prince and the...

  • Liliane 2022-11-18 02:06:21

    Cinderella's curse

    How many remakes of "Cinderella" have been made, but even if one hundred versions of this story are shot, there are still countless women pouring into the cinema, the castle prince crystal shoes, this is the eternal Cinderella complex of women!     This version of "Magic Cinderella" has surpassed...

  • Darian 2022-11-17 06:47:03

    power of mind

    Many people are interested in watching this film. I think one of the main reasons is its title, so they will watch this film "with the mentality of how Cinderella will end". After watching it, I just thought that this was a film with a vulgar plot and an old-fashioned happy ending. On the contrary,...

  • Shannon 2022-11-13 00:58:48

    Become Anne Hathaway

    I haven't seen it as Jane Austen, but it is indeed because of Anne Hathaway that I watched this magical Cinderella. There is not much to say about the movie itself. It is a story that combines fairy tales, magic, love, and kindness, combined with the story of Cinderella and Snow White Hamlet. It...

  • Florencio 2022-11-12 05:40:54

    Some fairy tales are forever frozen in childhood

    This story is getting more and more childish... I remember reading this book for the first time when I was a kid and thinking it was one of the best books I've ever read. I felt very excited after reading it, because I felt like I found a really great story. After watching the movie, I still think...

  • Madalyn 2022-11-11 14:37:48

    I love Anne Hathaway, but I don't like this movie

    The reasons for not liking it are simple:     1. The mentally retarded plot. Maybe I'm getting old. You can see the back after reading the front, this kind of youth comedy I may be too young for me.     2. The actor's poor acting skills. Although he looks good, his acting skills are really not to...

  • Krista 2022-11-11 08:04:46

    Growing up, I still need fairy tales

    I don't know when it started, the story of the prince and the princess has left us far, far away. Although TV dramas and novels are full of all kinds of prince and Cinderella stories covering various fields, they are deeply moved from childhood. The story of our innocence is far, far away. Perhaps...

  • Florence 2022-11-09 19:15:22

    ella enchanted

    I watched it a long time ago at a classmate's school. Today, I watched AnneHathaway's PrincessDiaries. I suddenly remembered this film and added the following content. The heroine AnneHathaway believes that many people know her and played TheDevilWearsPrada BecomingJane . In my opinion, she is a...

  • Carter 2022-11-09 04:45:58

    I want to say "no" to the world

    Some people think that saying that others are naive can show their wit. This movie is just a fairy tale movie suitable for all ages. If you feel naive, it means that your mind is still in kindergarten. Only a 6.6 threw me out, this movie is good news for those of us who can't say "no", I often feel...