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Eat Pray Love Reviews

  • Green 2022-03-24 09:01:59

    "Prayers for Love" and the Study of Seeds

    "Food and Love" is a movie, and the seed is an organism, and there seems to be no intersection between them. But when the heroine LIZ (played by Julia Roberts) sits alone in a Roman ruin that has been abandoned for thousands of years, what she thinks is so similar to the life of a seed. The film...

  • Scotty 2022-03-24 09:01:59

    Only women are hard to raise in the world

    Especially those who have some knowledge but no brains, those who talk about taste but have no temperament, those who want to be independent without thinking, those who are emotional and not controlling. They often don't know what they want, but they know very clearly and firmly what they don't...

  • Berniece 2022-03-23 09:02:01

    The myth of the myth of Sisyphus - how easy is it to pursue oneself

    "Food, Prayer and Love" is basically the American version of Zhang Yimou's work. The photography is nothing to say and the scenery is beautiful, but except for the glossy packaging, there is nothing. But it should be strongly recommended to women, especially divorced middle-aged yellow-faced women...

  • Junius 2022-03-23 09:02:01

    Losing balance for love is part of balancing the mind-------"Eat Pray Love"

    I saw the original of this film 6 months ago and borrowed it from someone else. It was also very accidental when I borrowed it. The person who bought it said that I couldn't read it. I didn't know why the woman in the book kept crying day and night, so I read it in the middle. So, I borrowed the...

  • Americo 2022-03-23 09:02:01

    Do you really want to be a girl all your life?

    Saw "Eat, Pray, Love" more than once on an intercity train in Los Angeles. It is usually the first train in the morning. The working girls in suits and narrow skirts occupy the position by the window, set up a folding table, while swallowing cakes and coffee, while hurriedly drawing eyebrows, after...

  • Lucinda 2022-03-23 09:02:01

    Eat Pray Love

    This is not a movie review, just an afterthought. When I watch it, for some reason, I always think of Pippa Li's Private Life. After watching it, I found out that the producers of the two films were the handsome Brat Pitt. Not having read the original book, many people say they have regrets. But...

  • Destini 2022-03-23 09:02:01

    It's true that everyone can get a seat

    "fall inbalance in lov is part of living in balance in life" my friend said this is a movie suitable for feminism, but I think this is a movie suitable for every girl. Every girl will meet three kinds of people - love yourself But the person who doesn't love enough --the person who can live...

  • Zula 2022-03-23 09:02:01

    find the last line

    I ended up watching the movie, not listening to it. It really makes people fall asleep . I believe this book is worth reading. The last line is very attractive to me. I forgot the English one. Friends...begin to accept things you don't agree with....the truth will be revealed in the end..." I don't...

  • Romaine 2022-03-23 09:02:01


    +You have screwed up my life but what I wanna know is why couldn't you find yourself in our marriage? Why didn't you say what you were thinking? -I did. You never l stened to me. +No,no no . You never said:"Hey, you know what? You suck. I'm deeply unhappy." You just took off. You never gave me a...

  • Meaghan 2022-03-23 09:02:01

    Exile and Redemption

    A year ago, I read this novel by accident. I was looking forward to seeing it made into a movie. Different places, different experiences, the same is that everyone has the pain that they dare not but face. And these, in loving and being loved, are gradually relieved and redeemed. The meaning of...