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Eat Pray Love Reviews

  • Bria 2022-03-25 09:01:09

    Ruin is a gift

    There was a poor ghost who prayed to God every day: "Dear Lord, please let me win a lottery jackpot!" Finally, one day, God couldn't help it and appeared before him. God begged the poor man. Ghost: "Child, I beg you to buy a lottery!" This joke (also called a fable) has been heard by many people,...

  • Jayda 2022-03-25 09:01:09

    Did you find your destination before you set off?

    I just watched "Food, Pray, Love" a few days ago. It is about a woman who is confused and confused in her unchanging married life, so she decides to find her own story. The film is divided into three parts: Italy, India and Bali. After a year of sojourn, the heroine finally found the balance in her...

  • Dayton 2022-03-25 09:01:09

    dolce far niente

    A woman, me too, just passed the threshold of being a leftover woman this year and entered this large army. Whether he welcomes it or not, I am here. "eat pray love" I read the book first, the running account is the same, the translation is very translation, basically it corresponds to each word,...

  • Domenica 2022-03-24 09:01:59

    Paradox in love

    A lot of people say that Liz made it all the way to the end, but I don't think so.   At least she is very alert and has been sticking to certain things. Once she realizes that she has lost herself in love, she wants to escape. She has the courage to defect from life at any time. Even if she is...

  • Ron 2022-03-24 09:01:59

    Lookable, though not prettier

    I seem to have heard of this novel. The ending seems a little different. But the idea has not changed. In short, after reading it, I will neither be particularly moved nor obviously disappointed. There are things to see - beautiful, kind, warm, passionate and vulnerable people, and the whole...

  • Eryn 2022-03-24 09:01:59

    Travel with your heart, not leave

    The ketut in Bali handed Liz a painting: keep your feet on the ground, you will feel like you have four legs, so you can stay in the world; don't look at the world with your head, look at the world with your heart, this way You can understand God. There are so many complicated things in the world...

  • Rosalia 2022-03-24 09:01:59

    Western Reality and Eastern Fantasy

    eat, pray, love seems to resonate with many urban white-collar workers. The exclamations of "women need to find themselves" and "balance" are one after another. Everyone wants to get rid of the messy things around them and their dispensable boyfriends. Learn from Liz Wander around the world,...

  • Bernard 2022-03-24 09:01:59

    I'm a little acorn

    When I watched Big Bang two days ago, Penny mentioned Food Pray Love, and even Raj praised the book well, so I wrote it down. Later, I saw it on Tudou, and it turned out that it was still starring Julia Roberts. At the age of 43, she still has the same demeanor, and she does not look old at all. It...

  • Shyanne 2022-03-24 09:01:59

    Another bowl of chicken soup for the soul

    British Airways is very interesting. It keeps so many good British movies and always likes to get some bad Hollywood movies to show. I couldn't sleep on the plane. The reading light would shine on the seat next to me as soon as I turned it on. After turning it on and off a few times, the seat next...

  • Napoleon 2022-03-24 09:01:59

    Confused people, go and enjoy these two hours. Maybe, the next moment, the world is yours.

    Many people think this film is bad. The original intention of watching it is for Julia Roberts, and so do I. But in the past two hours, it deeply shocked me. I understood Liz's confusion and the share she was looking for. Self is exactly what I need. I live an eight-to-five life, and I can’t finish...