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Eat Pray Love Reviews

  • Rylee 2022-04-23 07:02:19

    What exactly do we want...

    I don't think this film is artificial and fussy at all. Maybe it's because I have a different perception... After watching this film, I feel very calm... To be honest, on the way to watching the film, some clips made me react. I watched it. I saw this film once before, but I can't remember the plot...

  • Dorthy 2022-04-23 07:02:19

    Eat pray love

    In the begin, your object of affection bestows upon you a heady hallucinogenic dose of something you've never dared to admit you wanted, an emotional speedball of thunderous love and excitement.  Soon you start craving that attention with the hungry obsession of any junkie.  When it's withheld, you...

  • Davonte 2022-04-23 07:02:19

    Treat every experience as a clue in life, and treat everyone you meet as your mentor

    . The last few sentences of the movie are the best part. A lot of people think that travel can change a lot, the truth is, only those who experience it firsthand can tell that traveling may work little, not all travel will allow you to grow and change with a search.

    The name of the movie is Food,...

  • Marcelle 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Like a broken heart that doesn't want to let go because the pain is so beautiful

    Eat Have you ever heard the sound of the wrinkled cellophane wrapping slowly unfolding? When I was having dinner with my friend yesterday, she suddenly put down her chopsticks and looked at me, saying that I don't think there is any passion to eat with you. I was stunned for a moment, well, I...

  • Brett 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Enjoy! travel alone

    "liss, sometimes being out of balance because of love is part of life's balance." "As long as you have the courage to give up everything you know, whether you like it or hate it. Begin the journey of discovering the truth, (also includes Psychological process) As long as you see and hear in your...

  • Lucile 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Food is an excuse to start, love is the end of the end!

    It's interesting to say, I haven't written a movie review for a long time. Whenever I watch a movie and want to indulge in the text, there will always be something disturbing. The bedroom is still a place where I can't give myself space for thinking. After watching this film today, it was really...

  • Shaniya 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Why don't you watch "Iijima Love"

    The popularity of Elizabeth Gilbert's 2006 memoir "Eat Pray Love'' is just beyond reason. A well-to-do woman takes off on an around-the-world journey, exploring "the art of pleasure in Italy, the art of devotion in India, and in Indonesia, the art of balancing the two", as she states in her...

  • Icie 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Let's cross over

    My favorite is Italy. Settle for living in misery because we're afraid of change, of things crumbling to ruins. Then I looked around in this place, at the chaos it's endured the way it's been adapted, burned, pillaged then found a way to build itself back up again, and I was reassured--Maybe my...

  • Wyatt 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Rotten flakes full of middle-aged women's footwrap smell

    After watching this movie, I don't feel a little cold about European and American movies. To be exact, I have a bit of contempt for European and American culture. I feel that it is similar to us, and some aspects are not as good as us. I watched this movie because Roger in TBBT said it once, I just...

  • Shannon 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Ai Iijima 233333333

    At first I thought it would be boring, but when I stopped to watch it, I felt very comfortable. Can understand the predicament of the heroine. Watching Italian food on an empty stomach at night is so torturous. In India, there were faint tears, and it was very touching to watch the heroine grow and...