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Easy A Reviews

  • Earl 2022-04-20 09:01:14

    Explain clearly and explain unclearly, and it is unnecessary to explain and explain

    I personally think the movie is just average, but as far as the movie itself is concerned, I keep thinking, why doesn't Chinese movies have such a technique? The movie just tells the story from a video point of view, unlike some Chinese movies, I still remember watching a movie called Memento some...

  • Marcia 2022-04-19 09:01:25

    We all boasted

    Those long gone youthful days were already vague and rebellious, just like the confused smiles and curses in those long sunny days. I boasted that I liked that girl, although I don't remember if I was "being" fucked like this, I can't remember, I just remember that kind of happy life in middle...

  • Bethany 2022-04-19 09:01:25

    The Road to Fame of an Honest Girl--Sad

    A girl has been neglected for N years, so she wanted to add some face to herself, but she was out of control. Tragically, there are many people who want to be famous just like her and want to take the opportunity to become famous. I suddenly understood that Sister Feng had persevered for Mao, so I...

  • Trever 2022-04-19 09:01:25

    Small Town Story

    College-themed movies are still the category I am most interested in. Because the tones are rich and warm, the plot is restrained and vivid. A female high school student became a public figure because of a lie, and was then misunderstood by everyone. In the end, one of her first loves believed her...

  • Cleve 2022-04-19 09:01:25

    Perhaps it is because it is easier to think than to say, and easier to say than to do, that there are movies and people who go to the movies

    As mentioned before, I decided to be someone who can speak up - especially when it comes to boring things. So, I went to the cinema to watch Easy A under the scorching sun on the big weekend. Should I say it was a new movie just released a week ago or the effect of PG13, in general, there should be...

  • Madie 2022-04-19 09:01:25

    "Gossip Project": Hormones flying in the sky

    Thinking back to life in high school, what could be the key words, warm and harmonious, restless, or mediocre and boring? In fact, it was the words "College Entrance Examination" that seemed like a flood of beasts, and they were so overwhelmed that they couldn't breathe. Grades and rankings are the...

  • Adolfo 2022-04-19 09:01:25

    The young Desser who is related to the scandal

    DON'T YOU FORGIVE ME. There 's only one movie that gets my nerves moving. Guess, maybe because of the beautiful youth in Taixiang gossip girl, the heroine's monologue and the brilliant soundtrack, and the fact that movies and scandals are closely related. The price of lying. Some things were just...

  • Fredrick 2022-04-19 09:01:25


    That youthful and frivolous era made myself the focus or a dude who never studied or a hooligan who once thought of himself as the legendary boss woman who made up a complete lie for her own face... a When a lie appears, there must be another lie to make up for it. One by one, I know that when I...

  • Darius 2022-04-19 09:01:25

    God is a girl

    EASY A is inextricably linked with the famous American novel "The Scarlet Letter", which seems to reveal the author's understanding of the novel, which still has its significance today. The heroine made up a scandal for herself in a hot head, which seems deviant in Eastern culture, but it is a very...

  • Angelita 2022-04-19 09:01:25

    barely watched

    I saw the introduction of the film on the Internet some time ago, and I feel that I am more interested in this kind of youth campus film. I didn’t expect that I was really disappointed after watching it. I felt that the director blindly wanted the box office to change the taste of the film. The...

Easy A

Director: Will Gluck

Language: English Release date: September 17, 2010

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