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East of Eden Reviews

  • Alberto 2022-01-07 15:52:46


    I once read "Genesis" in the "Bible" and felt desperate.

    Adam, the first person in the world, God made it out of clay just like himself. Eve, the second person in the world, God made a rib of Adam. The third person in the world, Cain, is the first son of Adam and Eve, whose name means "get." He was...

  • Jaylon 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    A model of stitching and flattering

    Without James Dean, this movie would be a mediocre work. However, the melancholy eyes and unruly rebelliousness of this century idol have shaped a generation of male stars and put the movie in the annals of history... The movie presents a retro pastoral, The anxiety of war and the youth subculture...

  • Luther 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    Heavenly Dream

    In this miasma night in the southern country, mosquitoes are still "buzzing" frequently.

    Moths are also coming in from time to time. Even the hornet's nest was knotted to the tin canopy outside the window. Panicked, but fortunately, the wasp dispersed. No wonder Lingnan became a place of exile and...

  • Josephine 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    Let me talk about "East of Eden"

    James Dean has only acted in three movies in his short life, but as the saying goes: Even if he only appeared in one movie, he will still be the greatest actor in the history of American cinema. However, James Dean is not widely known in China. On the one hand, it is because in the era he...

  • Davonte 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    only love

    James Dean has made three movies in this life, all of which can be called classics, I only like this oneA friendship between father and son. What moved me was not only the wonderful emotions between father and son, but also the unique performance from James Dean, which showed me that there was such...

  • Arnold 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    "East of Eden": James Dean's blockbuster work

    When James Dean appeared in "East of Eden" with a look of rebelliousness, the "Beat Generation" finally found its own screen hero. With his tousled hair and a cigarette dangling from his mouth, he provocatively challenged middle-class values ​​in a white T-shirt, jeans and leather outfit. However,...

  • Hollie 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    I always hurt the one I love the most

    After watching this movie, I suddenly felt that "love" is really a heavy word.   People who obviously love each other always hurt each other. The deeper the love, the deeper the hurt. In many cases, what people lack is not love, but not knowing how to love and how to express love. Carl's father,...

  • Jordane 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    "East of Eden", also known as "Mom Sorcerer" and "East of Eden" (1955)

    This is an excellent drama. There are some similarities with "Doll's House", and both explain the true meaning of love in family ethical events, except that "Doll's House" achieves a fierce and clear realistic political orientation by exposing the truth. "The East" discusses a more fundamental and...

  • Amber 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    "East of Eden", also known as "Mom Sorcerer" and "East of Eden" (1955)

    This is an excellent drama. There are some similarities with "Doll's House", and both explain the true meaning of love in family ethical events, except that "Doll's House" achieves a fierce and clear realistic political orientation by exposing the truth. "The East" discusses a more fundamental and...

  • Brody 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    Love and punishment

    Even if the 1955 film is outdated, it appeals to the themes that have remained unchanged forever: the contradiction between the parent-child relationship, the self-identification of teenagers, and there are countless movies with similar themes, but "Heaven Dream" can still rely on an excellent...