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East of Eden Reviews

  • Clotilde 2022-01-07 15:52:46


    James Dean's rebellious, evil and pitiful image is his most popular on-screen image. In this film, the love-less boy who yearns for his father's love and wants to be treated equally between his two brothers is trapped in jealousy. But he is also a beautiful boy who is extremely popular with girls,...

  • Therese 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    Grand melodrama

    Elijah Kazan is very powerful, Steinbeck is such an ambitious masterpiece, he changed it into a melodrama of less than 2 hours, directly from Cal’s search for mother, the emotional entanglement between brothers, father and son, mother and son, and men and women. Everything is covered. James Dean...

  • Cora 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    Every boy has a Dean in his heart

    It was the night a few years ago, with my hands in my pockets, I was alone on the street where the snowflakes were flying, like a lonely wanderer. Recalling this situation and situation reminds me of the lonely teenager who disappeared in the world half a century ago.      The boy had a miserable...

  • Rosario 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    In fact, rebellious babies are easily satisfied, typically eating soft but not hard.

    1. The director's handling of family ethics and humanity's fine gifts is like flowing water. No matter the rhythm or the depth, there is no regret, very convincing.

    2. JamesDean's unruly, decadent, gentle, and kind-hearted are all in his bones, and he has an eye for casting roles. In this film, he...

  • Chelsea 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    Not Dean is Carl, but Carl is Dean

    I think a large part of the people who look at this movie now are for James Dean. It was the same with me, and it was this movie that changed my favorite actor from Heath Ledger to James Dean. Among the actors I have seen, Dean is the only one who can be said to be a genius, a truly born actor....

  • Antwon 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    Maybe it was a pioneer in that era, but it was a pity that "East of Eden"

    The long-admired James Dean retreated from the gorgeous exterior in my heart. He was not as rebellious and unruly as I had imagined. The feminine character and blurred eyes are a little outdated in our time, and there is no fascinating color.     In addition, it’s a pity that Steinbeck’s East of...

  • Aaliyah 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    "East of Eden", a movie that judges kindness

    This is a movie that judges "kindness".

    For his own goodness, the father does not participate in all forms of evil-he keeps his youngest son away from the battlefield, but he strictly abides by the duties of a recruiter and calls others to the front line; he hides it so that his son thinks that...

  • Hosea 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    It’s just a few short comments

    After reading it, maybe there are some reasons for my personality, but it is undeniable that James is great. The opening scene was confusing and inexplicable. Like many people’s opinion, he was bad and crazy. Later, I gradually understood the whole story. I feel more and more distressed about this...

  • Amelia 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    It wasn't until a long time before I understood the ending

    When I was in college, my impression of this film was basically that this kid was really sad, and hard work would always be counterproductive. I was so relieved on the swings that I forgot the plot that followed, and even his entire mother line.

    Watching this movie again after a few years,

    I realized...

  • Carroll 2022-01-07 15:52:46

    Missing love

    Carl tried so hard to please his father. In order to help his father, he went to his mother to borrow money to do business. He didn't expect that he would be no match for the news of Alan's engagement. What he did for his father was rejected by his father. No matter what he did, his father had...