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Earthlings Reviews

  • Pietro 2022-08-21 21:44:53


    What would we be now if human beings were not the ultimate victors in the process of evolution ? pet? food? clothes? entertainment? research? Nature + animals + humans = the sum of the world will not change. Human beings are arbitrarily magnified by themselves. When he becomes the only one who...

  • Alessia 2022-08-19 13:42:59

    We must learn to empathize

    1) Pet Pets

    Pets have always been people's companions and accompany us. People have domesticated dogs for thousands of years. How do we treat each other? The pet dogs that can appear around us may be lucky, but in the dark places we can't see, how many dogs are abandoned by humans for no reason and...

  • Theron 2022-06-02 21:00:15

    earthlings just tell you the truth first

    First of all, this movie is really great. But in addition to its real shock, I hope that friends who have watched it can try to think about some questions together: After you watched this movie, did you begin to love animals because you started to calmly reflect on our way of life, or because you...

  • Elliot 2022-06-02 20:30:16

    Humans must protect animals-because humans and animals are not equal

    Being on the popular "Citizen of the Earth" within a day has brought about a lot of discussion, but whether it is overcorrected or completely correct, I personally don't agree with it, because the truth and opinions it puts forward require personal thinking, and Not going with the flow.

    To describe...

  • Lottie 2022-06-02 20:29:06

    It turns out I am an activist. . .

    Well, after 2 months of saving this documentary on my computer, I still mustered the courage to finish it. Then curled up on the sofa all night with a splitting headache. "Radical" to the point of wanting to die. I guess it will be criticized again.     I always feel that trying to change others is...

  • Jacinthe 2022-06-02 20:28:18

    Cruelty comes from the economy, ignorance comes from ignorance

    Today I went to Art Gallary with my classmates to watch a documentary called "Earthling". Animal rights is an area that I don't like to touch. I am not an environmentalist either. I always think that because I can't change anything, I would rather not know my surroundings. But what I saw today...

  • Mariane 2022-06-02 15:44:33

    "Citizens of the Earth" movie lines-trembling text

    The scenes you see as a citizen of the earth are not isolated incidents. These are the industrialization standards established by humans for the use of animals, which are raised for humans to use as pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and research. This film is not suitable for children,...