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Dr. Stone Reviews

  • Nat 2022-12-30 01:30:32

    Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and scientific concepts are even more important! Fan commentary

    In conclusion, this is a very good work!

    This work, as a juvenile manga, uses such a form to publicize the scientific concept of development, respecting and advocating science. It's both interesting and boring, and it's also very brain-opening~ Especially for people like me who like technical...

  • Payton 2022-12-28 13:06:20

    It feels like the animation will be a dark horse when the animation is done

    At that time, after watching the first episode of the anime, I went to complete all the manga, which is the style I like very much.

    The male protagonist is a brain-eating type, and he is really not afraid of learning mathematics, physics and chemistry to travel all over the world. The acting part is...

  • Evert 2022-12-27 21:22:04

    Back to primitive civilization, how far can human beings go?

    Dr.stone Stone Era, more than half of it has been updated so far. The lively style of painting, lively dialogue and bizarre inventions driven by the plot have made this drama highly acclaimed.

    —————Spoiler Split————

    Stone Era tells the story of humans being instantly petrified due to unknown factors,...

  • Hollie 2022-12-22 22:36:18

    The kingdom of science, everyone is equal

    A mysterious green ray irradiated the entire earth, and all human beings became stone statues. After turning into stone statues, the genius young scientist remained awake, recorded time in seconds, and finally returned to normal people after 3,700 years, starting from 0 in two years. It has been...

  • Alysson 2022-12-21 20:34:13

    I don't understand the villain's behavior

    Ignoring the settings this time is not very rigorous, and it's pretty good to be a cool fan

    Only this villain is nondescript. The author has made a villain in order to take the youthful blood. This is the biggest failure.

    I think there are two kinds of villains: one is pure bad like dio, and the...

  • Shakira 2022-12-15 17:07:54

    Learn from "Dr.Stone" how to make popular science scripts interesting

    It is generally difficult to take into account the fun of animations and games with popular science themes, resulting in a narrow audience. Although authors who are keen to create such themes do not want their works to be very popular, if the audience is too small, the authors will still be hit....

  • Josue 2022-12-03 06:42:32

    The rise of technology

    This show is really good, from the plot to the setting. Some people may think that a lot of scientific knowledge is completely nonsense or made up, but I think the greatest significance of this drama is to give a bystander's perspective to examine the progress of human civilization. Maybe modern...

  • Newell 2022-11-11 14:20:44

    A Brief Commentary on Shi Jiyuan

    Wonderful! nice! There are many places that really make people feel the greatness of science, make people blood boil, and make people cry. Every invention, people can't help but sigh, the difficulty and greatness of human science along the way.

    The work is a combination of science and sci-fi, but...

  • Brain 2022-10-08 23:41:30


    A science-oriented movie, I really don’t know any science knowledge, I’m embarrassed to watch this anime, and it boldly recalls human civilization to the Stone Age, and lets us go back to the era when heroes were based on force. What is more incredible is that I actually agree with the...

  • Doris 2022-10-06 18:47:16

    A miracle is an accident in countless attempts

    Plus personal score, out of 5 stars. Very unexpected, I didn't expect that the work that moved me the most in 2019 was Shi Jiyuan, which I have been saving. After reading it in one breath, my emotions were finally released. Because of the positioning of the audience and the limitation of the genre,...