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Disgrace Reviews

  • Timmy 2022-04-19 09:02:59

    Are you ashamed to live?

    This is a film made from an award-winning literary work. I don't know why not many people watch it. It may be related to its story background. The world of black people, especially South Africa, does not have much attraction. After watching this movie, I am still thinking about why I used...

  • Madaline 2022-04-19 09:02:59

    bad movie

    Some novels are not suitable for a film, such as "Shame".   Coetzee's novel "Shame" is a very readable book, but it turned out to be very dull when made into a movie. If you take away the cultural background of the post-colonial era, it is difficult to understand what the film is about. I don't...

  • Juliet 2022-03-01 08:01:19


    After watching this film, my heart is very, very complicated, and now there are not many films that can make people's hearts complicated. What I want to say most is that the animal nature with eyes full of eyes is actually our nature, and any "nature goodness theory" is just a good wish. And shame...

  • Aron 2022-03-01 08:01:19

    we have to live

    I believe that many people have the same doubts as me. Why did Lucy compromise? Why not let the police bring her rapist to justice? Why give birth to the child who brought her humiliation? Why give up everything you have? Looking at it, all the problems gradually became clear. We must live. To live...

  • Dandre 2022-03-01 08:01:19

    female shame in sex

    What shame? What does the word shame mean? Shame or shame? Shame for being shamed, or shame for being shamed?

    Men in civilized society are at the top of the whole society. The male protagonist Lurie is a university professor. He has knowledge, culture, status, and power. In his cognition,...

  • Alisha 2022-03-01 08:01:19

    From one shame to another

    "Shame", I couldn't read the novel, but I finished it without blinking.       Don't want to write any reviews.       For Africa, white people feel that they owe her, and those pains that are unacceptable and endurable to us outsiders are rare in Africa, where people say that I heard that in "Bull...

  • Elias 2022-03-01 08:01:19

    Let "Shame" protect yourself

    This is another Nobel Prize-winning film, and it just so happens that I've heard of this work before, and I've heard of a lot of these famous books, but I've never read them. Reading is a tiring thing, but also a career that can only be completed with a tolerant mood and a very dull time....

  • Adam 2022-03-01 08:01:19

    Full of drama, watch it

    The film "Disgrace" (Australia/South Africa) is an adaptation of the Nobel Prize-winning South African writer JM Coetzee's famous book "Disgrace" (the book), which is set in post-apartheid South Africa. The famous book has always been seen as not easy to adapt, but the writer has I am very...

  • Kiel 2022-03-01 08:01:19

    I just wanted to talk about the parent-daughter relationship.

    I saw a short short film in Japan. The name was: "Did you notice the saddest man at the wedding?" In the film. Throughout the film, there are all kinds of different fathers who look like they are rich The upright people look like ordinary people who are not very conspicuous, but all the fathers are...

  • Cassandra 2022-03-01 08:01:19

    A very good adaptation, but the content is very surly (partial spoilers)

    It can only be said that the director and the actors have tried their best to give 60 points, the passing line, for the sake of the lines. Coetzee's original novel is absolutely wonderful, not only in the simple and smooth writing, but also in the kind of piercing sarcasm. What is distressing about...