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Death in Venice Reviews

  • Bell 2022-12-30 09:41:33

    41 The United States still exists today

    Any form of image retention, their beauty is that they can visually restore those beautiful things that have passed away for us. Such "beauty" is real and visible to the naked eye, and it is also nothingness, fabricated out of thin air from our life experience, and it is like an "afterimage" from a...

  • Randi 2022-12-29 12:16:54

    hello daqiu

    In this slow narrative, there is no nonsense message in the whole film (except for Da Qiu's family and the boy who kept having ambiguous fights with him). The camera is constantly pushed and pulled, as if the physical distance between the two people fluctuates, and the camera pans back and forth...

  • Troy 2022-12-28 02:20:53

    Aesthetics of perfection and beauty

    The film "Death to Venice" embodies a "Platonic love". Regarding "Platonic love", you can refer to the interpretation of Plato's "Symposium" in the first five drawings (from the book "The Power of Thought (9th Edition)"). I often see countless people equating "Platonic love" with homosexuality in...

  • Kaitlyn 2022-12-26 22:02:00

    At this moment in Venice, he is loyal to his senses.

    Der Tod in Venedig, the soul of Venice. This translation is really good - Gustav Asenbach's soul is lost in Venice. This sentence alone connects the propositions of art, beauty and death.

    I don't want to talk about Tolsman's metaphors and allusions, I don't want to talk about Visconti's carefully...

  • Frank 2022-12-26 09:12:59


    We watched this film when we were in the film and television appreciation class. When the protagonist finally died on the beach, more than 20 of us breathed a long sigh of relief, and some of them whispered, "It's finally over. ". This film is a lot of torture for people who haven't seen many...

  • Deven 2022-12-25 22:07:34

    Lost in Venice

    On this day God wanted it forever holy for I will always be miserable             Weiqi Er   early in the morning, the silence of the sea, the winter morning mist drifts, floating face sitting on the lost ship sea man, he Jiao Ashen Bach, he His eyes were empty, pretending to be calm, but he...

  • Corine 2022-12-24 13:42:51

    forehead dye

    Plato's spiritual love is a form of expression, the composer's innocence and the government's falsehood to the public may also be said to be a contrast. The love of the composer of the bereavement of his daughter is complicated and deep. He not only makes up for the loss of his daughter, but also...

  • Rebekah 2022-12-20 00:01:10

    Some Understanding of Aschenbach's Behavior

    At that time, I only thought that Aschenbach, who died following beauty, was romantic and complete, but I didn't understand his behavior, and felt clumsy and paranoid.

    It is only now that I understand that the artist's creative process may be a realization of self-worth and pursuit of beauty. In...

  • Francisca 2022-12-17 12:09:26

    Soul Break Venice

    As a failed German composer, the male protagonist went to Venice to relax after losing his daughter. After meeting the beautiful young Tacchio by chance, he gradually gained a new understanding of life, music and life. I have always disagreed that the male protagonist is a pedophile. His...

  • Angela 2022-12-17 02:07:49

    die in venice

    Soul Broken Venice is a film with minimal lines, which successfully interprets the unspeakable in silence. Instead of the lines, there are long shots of landscapes that are so beautiful that they can be directly framed and hung, as well as the euphemistic and sincere interpretation of the actor who...

Death in Venice

Director: Luchino Visconti

Language: English,Italian,Polish,French,Russian,German Release date: June 1, 1971