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Darker Than Black Reviews

  • Lambert 2022-10-04 10:06:33

    Statues of all beings under the fictional starry sky

    The group portraits of all beings under the fictional starry sky -the original image commemorating the end of "The Black Contractor" is a deep night sky that is as blue as wash, and the brilliance of billions of stars is reflected in the clear lake water, like broken diamonds inlaid on glass. The...

  • Cheyenne 2022-10-03 22:22:08

    A prophecy about growing up

    On the way between Gannan and Sichuan, I finished watching this film. This is a prophecy about growing up. Yes, each of us eventually becomes a contractor, and the contractor is ruthless. Contractors do not dream. Contractors are strong and have their own unique abilities. And everything has a...

  • Fern 2022-09-27 06:54:47

    A little thought from the Black Contractor

    I've watched a lot of Bone Club's animations. The setting of Heiqi was really attractive at the beginning, and the development of various branch lines in the early stage was also very exciting, which made me have great expectations for the follow-up main line. But when Amber came on stage, the main...

  • Marietta 2022-09-25 02:42:00


    I just finished watching "Black Contractor", which is a cartoon I started watching before. Even though I've read it, I still don't quite understand it.        About the real starry sky, humans, contractors and DALL. Death becomes a matter of course, and simply living becomes an extravagant...

  • Vincenzo 2022-09-16 14:07:49

    Sad Black Contractor

    It's an anime that is filled with sadness from start to finish. Although the ending is not completely destroyed, but after watching it, my heart is still blocked. The battle between humans and contractors is still going on. Who knows what the long-term future will look like?     Well, Hei is really...

  • Krystal 2022-09-13 21:41:47

    a little thought

    It should be regarded as the leader in the new show in April. The story starts off relatively quickly, which is really nice. Black is the tone of the whole film, and the bloody scenes are there in every episode, which is a little depressing. Like the "Skull Man" that is being watched, there are...

  • Tre 2022-09-13 20:21:46

    The sky is as cool as water at night, why lean on the stars?

    Watched it over the weekend with dark circles under my eyes. . After watching it, I have a very depressed feeling, a kind of back to the unspeakable loneliness when I watched Cowboy Bebop a few years ago. I am also very glad that I was old when I watched this anime, and I was able to gradually How...

  • Lindsay 2022-09-13 18:00:12

    Small people and all beings in the background of superpowers

    In the background of superpowers, the appearance of small people and all beings is actually quite miserable. These people with superpowers are not as happy as ordinary people who don't know anything. What comes with it is not to run wild in the world, or to save the world according to the...

  • Devyn 2022-09-13 15:59:19

    sadness that will be forgotten

    If you meet a black woman, you will fall in love with him. Start with the doll implanted with false memory in the first episode. That doll, who has no feelings and no memory, actually blocked the bullet to Black at the last moment. The first episode is my first image of this show. I felt the...

  • Destin 2022-09-13 14:46:41

    When will the hatred of different races end?

    A humanistic/artistic film with a sci-fi shell, although it is an overhead world, it actually reflects human society. Among them, the discussion on the relationship between contractors and human beings is thought-provoking. Humans always have a fear of races that are different from or even superior...