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Dark Waters Reviews

  • Margarette 2022-04-19 09:02:31

    Tao Feng

    Tao Feng, my dear little peach

    Today is 2020.02.17.

  • Orrin 2022-04-19 09:02:31

    black water

    First of all, there is no doubt that the topical significance of the film exceeds the artistic value. The film promotes the society and the legal system. South Korea's "The Furnace" is an outstanding representative. It directly pushed the government to issue a law on the protection of minors....

  • Syble 2022-04-19 09:02:31

    shared responsibility of mankind

    Small people persistently collect evidence to bring down a big company with one hand covering the sky. This kind of selection alone is awe-inspiring, the story is calm and restrained, there are not too many impassioned speeches and upright stern condemnations, but focuses on the boring...

  • Magnus 2022-04-19 09:02:31

    rich man game

    Loving life is a kind of beauty imagined when the essence of life cannot be seen clearly.

    The weak are told that the world is like this, that everyone lives like this, and so should you. The weak never question, even if there is something wrong, he feels that he is wrong.

    I dare not imagine the real...

  • Aric 2022-04-19 09:02:31

    Highlights and weaknesses as a film

    I like watching movies based on real events, and I also like watching movies about obsession. As a movie, this is not particularly prominent, but as a real event, it is something everyone must know.

    It is hard to imagine that a business giant who can't sue for profit completely defines the rules of...

  • Izabella 2022-04-19 09:02:31

    simple record

    I saw the destruction at the top of the society and didn't care about other people's lives and the natural environment. I also saw the stupidity of the people, thinking that it was good people who harmed themselves. In the beginning, they were against the people who broke their lives, and later,...

  • Haylie 2022-04-19 09:02:31

    My post-view (minor spoilers)

    Check it out because of the high ratings. It doesn't feel very good, and I feel that this score is too high (8. 6 points), so I came to evaluate it. The plot in the early stage was a little awkward, and I always felt that the plot was a bit reluctant. Especially for me as a science student,...

  • Meggie 2022-03-24 09:02:44

    black water

    The first half exposes the madness of capital's pursuit of profit, and the second half shows the penetration of capital power into the system. DuPont has used harmful chemical raw materials to make huge profits for many years. During the lawsuit that took more than 20 years, many victims have died....

  • Paris 2022-03-24 09:02:44

    broken thoughts

    Simply the conscience of the industry. Make an assumption. If the local residents didn't associate the high cancer rate with DuPont, if the farmer's neighbor didn't have a good lawyer son, if the head of the law firm didn't approve of it, if DuPont had burned houses and all kinds of horrific...

  • Weston 2022-03-24 09:02:44

    Public health students watch black water

    Four stars, not five stars, why, a little unclear. As a public health officer, I still feel quite touched by watching this movie. I don’t know if it took seven years to complete this epidemic research in reality. Seven years is a long time at first, it seems that it doesn't take so long to run a...