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Dangal Reviews

  • Martine 2022-04-23 07:02:00

    Do more words count as a long review! I'm just talkative.

    I want to write a long review, but I'm lazy. I don't know if it was because of low tears or what, but I cried several times. At first, she felt that her father was a tyrant who persecuted his daughters for his own dreams. Later, he felt that he really had the idea of ​​equality between men and...

  • Melba 2022-04-23 07:02:00

    "Wrestle! Dad" — reality drama in comedy guise

    To a certain extent, I still admire the Indians for being able to make a serious topic lighthearted and humorous, and it leaves a lot of room for discussion. The first 30 minutes of watching this movie was filled with righteous indignation; the turning point was the girl who was forced to marry,...

  • Briana 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    nice movie

    Wrestling, Dad, before watching this, I just watched another Aamir Khan film, "The Stars on Earth". It's interesting that "The Stars on Earth" tells parents not to impose their own expectations on their children. Don't use children as a tool to fulfill your dreams, but "Wrestle Dad" is about an...

  • Jacklyn 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    are you free

    I watched "Wrestling, Dad" yesterday, and I haven't had such tears in my eyes for a long time. With the development of the plot, from the beginning of the father's unwillingness, selfishness and dictatorship, to the sorrow of the women in the village, to the achievements of the sisters, the...

  • Alexzander 2022-04-22 07:01:23


    The film tells the story of a father who was a good wrestler when he was young. He hoped that the Indian wrestler would win a world championship in the competition, but this dream did not come true.

    Later, when he got married, he hoped to have a son to inherit his mantle and realize his dream, but...

  • Jamaal 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    The greatest profession in the world is a dreamer

    Watch "Wrestling! "Dad", it is reasonable to see tears. In my mind, the greatest profession in the world is the dreamer. If you dare to dream, there will be miracles. Believe in yourself and use harsh self-discipline to work hard and precipitate, then you will surely achieve the realization of...

  • Torey 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    You think it's a misunderstanding, but it's not.

    An uncomfortable movie to watch.

    The discomfort in the first half comes from my father's misconceptions. You can all say things in a big environment. I also admit that my father's three views are relatively better than those around him, but no matter how much we wash the ground, we can't deny the...

  • Adrien 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    Dad's dream made my life

    Text / Ruina 's public account: Meng 2 (meng2girl) reprint requires authorization~The movie "Wrestle! "Dad", in simple terms, is the journey of the father's dream, which opened the way of life for the daughters. I believe that the friends who have watched this film will leave a deep impression in...

  • Johnnie 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    wrestling, dad

    First of all, let’s start with India. India is a very patriarchal country. Girls get married at the age of 14 and meet a completely unfamiliar man, just to lighten the burden on the family. The exception is one family in the film, the dad who failed to compete in international wrestling. So, he...

  • Joana 2022-04-22 07:01:23


    At the beginning of watching this movie, I couldn't understand what my father did. I felt that he should not impose his unfinished dreams on the children. When I saw him let the girls cut off the hair of Ji's two girls, I was really disappointed. They felt sad and felt that the father was too...