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Damsels in Distress Reviews

  • Laurence 2022-10-07 21:15:43

    "Girl to be rescued"

    CC released Whit Stillman's "Metropolis" and "Disco Doom". I downloaded it and haven't watched it yet, but I watched the most recent movie first. The film seems to have returned to the feeling of the last century, the soft light and excessively spiritual characters make people confused. The lines...

  • Marcellus 2022-10-07 15:40:45

    First of all laugh three times hahaha so cold

    First of all, I laughed three times, hahaha, after reading it coldly, I realized that at the end, people said that they wanted to talk about the prosperity of a XX dance group [Really so, the only mention in the front is that the male doesn’t know which number to "debate" with the Golden Retriever...