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Creed Reviews

  • Chase 2022-03-17 09:01:04

    It's still the same boxing inspirational film, but it's still a new trick.

    Seeing that the rating on imdb reached 8.9, I decided to go and watch it. When I entered the cinema, I found that the whole audience was full. It seems that American audiences quite like this type of movie. Another movie about boxing (shouth paw) a few months ago, went to see it for Jake...

  • Kelli 2022-01-27 08:05:00

    The collision of strength and tenderness

    A rebellious black child, who loves boxing from the bottom of his heart, loves and hates his legendary boxer father he has never met, hates that his father abandoned him before he was born, and loves that he inherited his father's boxing invisibly. heart of. Full of strength, the Tiehan boxer...

  • Demetris 2022-01-27 08:05:00


    Liking an action star seems to be an original sin in the eyes of some young literary and artistic people, which shows that your level of aesthetics is the level of watching a group of muscular men without acting skills fight each other without brains. When I was a kid I loved action movies so...

  • Reginald 2022-01-27 08:05:00

    Upright people will not have bad luck.

    Whether Mike B. Jordan plays the villain in "Black Panther" or the rebellious young boxer in "Creed", he has a unique black and handsome temperament - a neck, I am strong!

    Upright people always move forward.

    In the children's detention center, Johnson did not allow others to scold his mother, and...

  • Larue 2022-01-27 08:05:00

    Rocky's orthodox sequel, Creed

    transmission of spirit

    A movie worthy of the name of Rocky's sequel! ! ! "Creed" I believe that many people have long admired the golden sign of Rocky's sequel. Rocky does have the reason why he has become an immortal classic, but his frequent sequel "Creed" not only follows in the footsteps of his...

  • Katarina 2022-01-27 08:05:00

    classic heritage

    Although the positioning is the spin-off of "ROCKY", it is more like its official sequel. The son of the boxing industry inherited the father's business, and it just rightly became how "Creed" took over the "Rocky" baton and became the new king in terms of strength and reputation, creating the...