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Corpus Christi Reviews

  • Laurence 2022-01-20 08:01:10

    Black but reasonable

    It's a simple and absurd story, but it's worth remembering. Worthy of being an Oscar nominated work.

    Pretending to be a pastor is said to be very common in Poland, but the director’s creation from a juvenile delinquent on parole to become the spiritual leader of hundreds of villagers. Of course,...

  • Beth 2022-01-20 08:01:10

    Dancing in a place full of sin and sorrow

    When I walked out of the cinema, I wanted to cry, but I didn't seem to feel sad again. It seems that everything is unreasonable, but it seems very reasonable. It seems that there is a very powerful force saying that he is Ksiądz Tomasz, not Daniel. He smokes, drugs, alcohol, fights, tattoos,...

  • Kay 2022-01-20 08:01:10

    Even though the body’s situation in the world is still dark

    The role was chosen very well, it can be called a monumental image. There is a strange emptiness in Daniel's body. I can't leave his eyes the whole time. The amber pupils like the sun's halo can reach the soul deep. The turquoise cool tone and the gradual intensity add a depressive and desperate...

  • Leopold 2022-01-20 08:01:10

    Incompatibility between man and god

    From "The Flower of Francis" to "The Fourteen Stations of the Sad Road," there are many literary and artistic movies in Europe and the United States that either question or praise the saints, or show an ambiguous attitude towards them, most of which are deep and cold. In contrast, "The Eucharist of...

  • Adaline 2022-01-20 08:01:10

    Religion and belief

    Due to the complicated historical background in the past and the numerous influences of the Holy See and the Holy Roman Empire, the Catholic Church still has a high degree of political and social influence in Poland despite being suppressed by the Communist Party. "The Eucharist of Christ" tries to...

  • Rubye 2022-01-20 08:01:10

    "The Eucharist": Can a piece of clothing change a person?

    In 2018, the German film "Counterfeit Captain" was released. This film tells the story of an ordinary private soldier Willi Herrod who accidentally obtained a captain's uniform. He was also controlled by the uniform and eventually fell into a human nature. abyss. Now, there is another movie that...