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Control Reviews

  • Josefina 2022-01-01 08:02:22

    Give me image, give me death

    Between 1979 and 1980, Anton Corbijn was a stage photographer for Joy Division. This is a person who has really met Ian Curtis, and at the same time, he is also a person who has shaped Ian Curtis. As shown in this film, every band must look for their own name (from Warsaw to Joy Division), and find...

  • Meaghan 2022-01-01 08:02:22

    Dialogue of "Control"

    One:              my heart leaps up when I behold              a rainbow in the sky              so it was my life began              so it is now I am a man              so it be when I shall grow old              or let me die              the child is the father of the man              and I...

  • Rosalinda 2022-01-01 08:02:22

    "Lost Generation" spokesperson?

    Some people have come out of the dark empire and are destined to return to the dark empire in the end. Such as Jimmy Morrison, Dylan Torros, Paul Celan, and Kurt Cobain. The fact that a genius died in his 20s is already shocking. Last night, I finally found out the "CONTROL" and watched Ian Curtis...

  • Harmony 2022-01-01 08:02:22

    The death of a young man with epilepsy in Manchester

    This year, many people have great expectations, but I was quite disappointed by "Control". I am not a fan of Ian Curtis and Joy Division. When I was in high school, I was fortunate enough to watch the famous Love will tear us apart video with my co-student. I was deeply impressed by the extremely...

  • Jewell 2022-01-01 08:02:22

    Trivia comments and others

    1. Behind-the-scenes production:     [Postpunk's Intermediate Force]   The narrative time of the film spans from Curtis, who was a teenager in 1973, to his death by suicide in 1980. Before that, he was still preparing for a sensational US tour. Formed in the period of the rapid awakening of British...

  • Eliseo 2022-01-01 08:02:22

    The greatness of Curtis is that he is a man

    I don't understand movies very well, and I can't understand the profound meaning of joy division's music. This movie gave me a chance to learn about Curtis, maybe what I got is not all true.   The death of Curtis did not make him a god like Lennon, but it was enough to make him eternal. In just...

  • Donna 2022-01-01 08:02:22

    Out of control memories

    If a movie can express Joy Division, then Joy Division is at best a British post-punk band. Therefore, the movie can only be used as a part to make people miss Joy Division.   In fact, I don't believe that Ian Curtis's private life will be as monotonous as the movie describes except for composing...

  • Lenny 2022-01-01 08:02:22

    Qiong Yao's style hurts my feelings for JD

    Before complaining, let me affirm two points: the photography is really beautiful! Director Anton Corbijn deserves to have 20 years of MV director experience, and the shots are handled beautifully. In addition to the black-and-white image, the style of the film maintains a balance between nostalgia...

  • Ruthie 2022-01-01 08:02:22

    Metaphor and Dreamland

    I often ignore the cruelty and narrowness of life itself in the daily inaction, until I see the newly grown wrinkles fill the cold and crowded heart, echoing the gray tone of reality so far, I can feel him on the face of the devil. The pride hidden by the pleated glow. Susan Sontag writes in her...

  • Zachery 2022-01-01 08:02:22

    One hundred and one use of hair

    Article One use of hair first, for covering the scalp, prevent sunburn head second, with different clothes for the occasion and the third, used to identify the owner of the hair taste ............ first Ten types, used for narcissism ... 57, used to identify whether a person is healthy and vigorous...