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Control Reviews

  • John 2022-03-22 09:02:08

    Control - Become famous and die

    Many people are dissatisfied with Ian Curtis here, they say that Qiong Yao's emotions hurt their feelings for Ian, partly because we have all deified Ian, he has become a symbol like those rock stars who died early, and everyone's heart There's an Ian Curtis, but who's to say what the real Ian is...

  • Harley 2022-03-22 09:02:08

    In fact, we can't control anything

    I changed my QQ signature to "I'm still a die-hard fan of JOY DIVISION" because I watched "Control". Don't expect it to be a rock history movie, but it's a cliché story about an ordinary man who became famous and then became a concubine and didn't want to lose his wife, but replaced the protagonist...

  • Jaclyn 2022-03-22 09:02:08

    he's out of control

    How many roads must a man walk Before they call him a man                                                      _____Bob Dylan is a decent movie, probably Joy Division mentioned several important points, you can even pull out "24 Hours Party People" to compare this great movie , and the rise and...

  • Dejuan 2022-03-22 09:02:08

    The runaway genius

    I don't know if suicide is a universal move for geniuses, but in the rock and roll world, it seems to be the way geniuses love it. Knowing Joy Division is because of Kurt Cobain, the first time I saw the band's name was in "Brilliant Nirvana". A teacher once said that many geniuses who played rock...

  • Scotty 2022-03-22 09:02:08

    Touching From A Distance

    The realism of the black and white picture The man with smoky makeup has the talent of rock and roll The struggle of mortals is the take-off and shattering of dreams The temptation and the torture of imperfect flesh in the face of love The post -punk voice is very muffled and true To put it mildly,...

  • Kailey 2022-03-21 09:02:20

    when I can't control myself

    I can no longer suppress my admiration for them and my love for them. When every note rings in my ears, there are countless Ian twists on the stage in my mind. How can I miss such a team? Artistic bands, they made me start to indulge in the wonderful music of post-punk, what kind of art this kind...

  • Rico 2022-03-21 09:02:20

    a hollow man

    The most shocking picture appears at the end, the steeple of the church, a tombstone in front, and black smoke coming out of the chimney behind the church.   Whatever life is, will eventually become that black smoke.   This black-and-white film, like its picture, in which life has no color....

  • Michel 2022-03-21 09:02:20

    Uncontrollable love and pain

    Regarding "Love will tear us apart", I have been listening to a cover version of a French band, but as soon as I heard it, I was overwhelmed by the confusion of the tune. I didn't know where the song came from until this time.     The familiar music of "Love will tear us apart" suddenly sounded in...

  • America 2022-03-21 09:02:20

    Sri Lanka

    "Control" is a very delicate and personal film. In it, the protagonist expresses a state, a state of losing the ability of the "present" self to control the "present". Who is in control of who you are now? It may be someone else, more is the past self. This is stated bluntly at the beginning of the...

  • Julie 2022-03-21 09:02:20


    "My heart jumped when I saw a rainbow in the sky. I was like this when I was a child, and now I am grown up, and I am still like this. As I go into the twilight, it is still like this. Unless I die! Children become fathers. Hope every day Everyone is happy, as happy as a child!" Ian Curtisyi...


Director: Anton Corbijn

Language: English Release date: September 26, 2007

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