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Control Reviews

  • Layla 2022-03-24 09:02:23

    Chew the uncontrollable taste

    Others control themselves? control others? Control yourself? Or lose control? . . . We were born in uncontrolled chaos, entered the human collective under control, controlled by all kinds of education, and learned self-control in frustration. The principles infiltrate our brains little by little...

  • Abbie 2022-03-24 09:02:23

    Maybe some isolation is natural

    Some people laugh at Sister Lin's heart, remove the influence of the acquired growth environment, maybe she is not only born with a delicate body, some isolation may also be born, maybe there is a loneliness gene. Looking at the screenshots, the male protagonist's eyes seem to tell me that the...

  • Royce 2022-03-24 09:02:23

    Depressed petty bourgeoisie young man

    Although I can't say I'm a hardcore in the Joy division, Ian has always held a high position in my heart. Before opening this movie, I was fully prepared to meet the so-called "baptism of the soul". I even brought a cigarette and a lighter. Ignite some inspiration. This behavior happened to form a...

  • Marta 2022-03-24 09:02:23

    black and white gray

    A gloomy young man who kept his eyes open, married his girlfriend early, got pregnant and had a child, found a job where he could stay in a daze and didn't do anything, and unconsciously formed a popular band; later, it was like the development model of every little man's story. , The young man is...

  • Queenie 2022-03-24 09:02:23


    My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky So it was my life began So is it now I am a man So it been when I shall grow old or let me die The child is the father of the man And I could wishing days to be Bound each to each by natural piety Ian It's hard to Control When I said Let's get...

  • Rickey 2022-03-23 09:02:21

    Remember the once beautiful and sad life

    23. After all, she is still too young, too young to bear the double test of her body and mind. Love, marriage, music, life, he said, so it was my life began, so it is now I am a man, so it be when I shall grow old, or let me die...I could wish my days to be bound each to each by natural piety... In...

  • Darby 2022-03-23 09:02:21


    This film is still the same sentence don't take the right seat. Movies are like life. It maps more or less similarities in everyone. Youth, rock, release, placement, settling, work, true love, conflict. These words are far less powerful than life and reality. Who is sitting next to you, who you...

  • Blaze 2022-03-23 09:02:21

    control. "Ian told me. This mad world. Nobody can control."

    It was originally just a quiet town in England, a little quiet, a little obscure , a teenager who was born in the 1950s, a little cynical, a little maverick, a young and frivolous heart, and didn't stop until I met love and Debbie from falling in love to marrying was like overnight Debbie is a girl...

  • Burley 2022-03-23 09:02:21

    Don't Break My Heart·Rock is not dead

    Don't Break My Heart·The rock is not dead  is a little disappointed, probably the only reason for me to associate these two films, which are very different in genre, subject matter or nationality. There is also a possibility that no matter which of the two films is proposed individually, I do not...

  • Peggie 2022-03-22 09:02:08

    (reading the old book) I will write nonsense

    Finally I got a chance to watch the film, it worth a million prizes! Anton Corbijn really catches the heart of Ian Curtis, as well as the broken hearts of the audience! All those who love the band, love Ian, got the smoke in their eyes! Headaches & Heartbreaks... The story is familiar to us, about...