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Control Reviews

  • Krystel 2022-04-19 09:02:19

    The tragedy of youthful impulse

    The blatant concubine went home and told his wife not to divorce, which made me feel that Ian was both ridiculous and pitiful. After all, it was a tragedy caused by an early marriage. Everyone has moments of youthful impulse, but not everyone. There is an opportunity to have the awareness to pay...

  • Rhea 2022-04-19 09:02:19


    I finally figured out where the brawl at the beginning of Atmosphere in the Substance Collection came from.

    I never watch biographical films. What I think is that no one knows about a person's life except himself, unless he writes his own biography and makes a film, the content of which can be...

  • Kaylee 2022-04-19 09:02:19

    Ian's pain, soul leakage

    Like a cigarette falling off, we know the direction of the smoke, its parasitic in the breath and lips, and its intensity and dilution into the acceptable and ordinary of life. Post-punk, his short life, his joys and sorrows. Ian's soul touches more people like a tide in music.

    In "Control", the...

  • Aurore 2022-04-19 09:02:19

    fame, then suicide

    I like this title. This is the first result of Baidu's Joy Division. The books are out of power, and I haven't read the last bit. Before I go to see debbie, I want to know if the joy division really exists. I did a search and found that it was true. The side effect was that I knew that the ending...a

  • Ray 2022-04-19 09:02:19

    A movie with a strong British flavor, a solution to my homesickness(?)

    Finally, I watched the movie that I kept in my pocket list for a long time. It is definitely worth watching in the theater, even listening to music is cool.

    "Control" is a super gloomy black and white movie, but the depressing beauty is quite charming. The songs in the film are almost all depressed...

  • Jake 2022-04-19 09:02:19


    I'm not familiar with the band joy division, and I'm not familiar with ian. So let's just say this film:     this film feels a little messy, the narrative is irrational, and sometimes the development of the story is confusing. This film is actually more like the stream of consciousness of the...

  • Dayana 2022-04-19 09:02:19

    There are too many words to write a short review, take up the space of the film review

    How to say it, the movie focuses more on an explanation for Ian's ending. I felt numb from the beginning to the end. As a music fan of joydisvison for many years, it is really remarkable to listen to unknown pleasures and closer guys countless times to see some specific details with the mind of a...

  • Marge 2022-04-19 09:02:19

    I am not control

    The film is based on Touching From A Distance, a collection of essays about his husband written by Ian Curtis' wife, Deborah Curtis, which chronicles her and Ian's relationship with him. time together. Ian Curtis was the lead singer of the British post-punk rock group Happy Split, which became...

  • Hunter 2022-04-19 09:02:19

    out of control

    "Control" I'm not very familiar with the band Joy Division. After watching this film, I was surprised. It was gray and painful without even a smile. The rock and roll in black and white images is more like a pure Spiritual expression, that kind of emotion is too complicated, Ian Curtis is also a...

  • Celine 2022-03-26 09:01:08

    he's out of control

    "Would you ever want to sleep with another man?" "Why are you asking such a weird question" "Because I wouldn't mind if you did that" "Are you serious, it makes me feel like you don't anymore? Love me" "I think so" Then the familiar drum beat of "love will tear us apart" sounded, Debbie left Ian...


Director: Anton Corbijn

Language: English Release date: September 26, 2007

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