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Control Reviews

  • Antonio 2022-04-20 09:01:57

    The world is too rushed

    Ian is capricious in his bones. He thought everything was under his control, and he tried his best to control it, but he didn't expect that sometimes there are things in the world that we can't control or stop. He has a lot in music. Talented and talented, but in life, he is still a child who has...

  • Matilde 2022-04-20 09:01:57


    A powerful powerful performance by Sam Riley. The black and white is used harmoniously with the pace of the film and really captures the essence of a man trying to have control for a future. It is so easy to be caught up in the heat of emotion and the moment, but what is important is your ability...

  • Elmore 2022-04-20 09:01:57

    July 8 "Control"

    "Love shatters my self-esteem, my body is broken, my once innocent body is now sinful, shrouded in dark clouds, and my every step casts a shadow, until I enter the depths of my memory, where there was once love Things." This is the biographical film "Control", which depicts Joy Disvision frontman...

  • Sylvia 2022-04-20 09:01:57

    lonely child

    For the music in the movie and the talent of the male lead, I pay more attention to Ian's heart.

    I always felt like what I saw was a lonely little child drowning and struggling in the water.

  • Bo 2022-04-20 09:01:57

    Ethical Love Story

    Why do I hate Control so much? Every once in a while, you have to take it out and whip the corpse? Because it turned the Ian Curtis story into a love story, not a romantic love story, but an ethical love story. It is also overemphasizing love and taking it as the main line of the biography. Walk...

  • Ed 2022-04-20 09:01:57

    The colors of that era are destined to be black and white

    It should have been ten years ago that I liked the Happy Squad.

    In the summer of ten years ago, my friends and I went to the Urban and Rural Second Department Store to buy discs.

  • Conrad 2022-04-20 09:01:57


    Why is the title of the film called "Control"? Maybe this is a process in which a person gradually loses control and cannot control it.   Although the online reviews are not very good, the whole story is still worth seeing in my personal opinion.   In the continuous music of "Happy Squad", Ian's...

  • Rachael 2022-04-20 09:01:57

    The look and feel of Control - Sensitive genius should live in mediocrity

    Just talking about movies, nothing to do with facts. As the title says, this is how Ian deeply felt the absurdity of life and his own incompetence. He spends too much time and energy on things beyond his control. His epilepsy, his love for Annik, his sense of family responsibility, his obligation...

  • Zechariah 2022-04-20 09:01:57

    He Lost Control~~

    I took the time to watch the long-downloaded "Control" one weekend, it was beautiful and depressing, but I didn't cry... Maybe I got what Ian deserved, even though he was a genius in his life Suffered from epilepsy, although he committed suicide at 24... maybe he was too young? Maybe fame came too...

  • Gabrielle 2022-04-20 09:01:57

    Does the black and white film look very artistic?

    People appear great when they die. It 's better to start with bad new things than good old things. He is old, it is new. Photography is good, it needs more professional interpretation . Ian's death can't be fixed. Two women , of course, and illness. His illness is just his. His death is just his....


Director: Anton Corbijn

Language: English Release date: September 26, 2007

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