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Control Reviews

  • Johan 2022-04-21 09:02:43

    The loneliness and pain behind the beauty

    The big winner of this year's Cannes Film Festival is "control," a musical biopic about the short and extraordinary life of the band Joy Division frontman Lan curtis. The title of the film "control" comes from a song "she's lost control" written by Lan curtis.    In fact, there is not much to say...

  • Alvera 2022-04-21 09:02:43

    control or lost control

    It is estimated that I bought the disc a month ago. I turned it over at 11 o'clock in the evening and was attracted by the cover of the disc, which attracted the atmosphere of rock and roll. I'm obsessed with this movie from the beginning, black and white, 70's England, slender body, sunken eyes...

  • Howell 2022-04-21 09:02:43


    Fundamentally, all people who love rock and roll are weak. Don't ask me why I came to this conclusion, don't ask me. We love freedom and peace, we never want to hurt anyone, and we want all our dreams to come true. But all of this is impossible, everything, everything, can never follow us to live...

  • Aryanna 2022-04-21 09:02:43

    He's Lost Control

    I've watched some of the legendary movies, but I'm not very impressed. I remember watching "Doors", and I thought it was awesome, but after reading "No One Lives Here", I was a little disappointed with Oliver Stone. A lot of cinematic skills are pale and artificial in the biopic, which I feel is a...

  • Winona 2022-04-21 09:02:43

    Happy Squad - also known as Happy Split. cold.

    I watched "control" filmed by the UK/US/Australia/Japan Shikoku, and saw Ian Curtis's dreamy dance moves. Maybe in the eyes of some people, punk is naked violence and noise, and I I think it is a catharsis of human primitive feelings.     In 1973, when Ian Curtis was a teenager, he was a high...

  • Dolores 2022-04-21 09:02:43

    Your music is far from my time, I just simply miss you

    I have always been obsessed with "Control", not because I like Joy Division, Ian died too early, and their music is far from my era. The real reason was seeing a poster for Control in a movie or a music magazine. That melancholy and quiet face made me unable to stop learning about his life and his...

  • Isidro 2022-04-21 09:02:43

    he escaped into the real world

    What I'm doing, is someone pointing the finger behind my back? ——The body also started to deal with me. Everything went so wrong. "Talent is a curse." Ian died. Is there a kind of life: when I am in love, I am in love, it has nothing to do with the object; when I do not love, I leave, please don't...

  • Darby 2022-04-21 09:02:43

    Unable to control

    Lan is undoubtedly a heartbreaker, a bastard father, but his vulnerability and sensitivity make you have to feel sorry for this bastard. His wife is so unlucky, and the end is so bleak, rock star wives end up like this , and in the end there's no one to help you, and the members of your husband's...

  • Reva 2022-04-21 09:02:43

    Love kills theme still applies

    I only watched half of the West Lake Music Festival, and Pixeltoy gave the song Love will tear us apart in Prince Bay. It really fits the scene! When I got home, I watched the second half with my tail between my legs. I heard JoyDivision's original intention was that their name was very...

  • Hellen 2022-04-21 09:02:43

    23, an age suitable to leave

    In fact, I went to VERYCD to download this film for the sake of feeling sentimental. At three o'clock in the middle of the night, I lay in bed, fell asleep N times, and vaguely watched IAN in the film, a young boy of the same age as me, who got married early, early He became famous, became a father...