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Control Reviews

  • Delaney 2022-06-09 13:05:49

    The Film "Control" Has Superb Acting Skills

    After watching the movie, I searched for Ian Curtis's performance videos: Color is the prototype, and Sam is highly restored. Accurate casting, excellent actors, and top-notch photography. Martin Ruhe, Director of Photography, said that the clothes rack suddenly rose during the...

  • Spencer 2022-06-09 10:26:41

    A Wonderful and Impressive Movie -- Control

    I watched this movie by accident, and by chance, it kept me watching.Inn and his rock band have gone from obscurity to a lot of attention. Inn got married and became a father at a young age. Inn suffers from epilepsy and needs to be supported by drugs with a lot of side effects. Inn fell in love...

  • Brenna 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    Control – The Legendary Life of Ian Curtis

    Life is full of contradictions, sorrows and joys. The recently deceased "Fat Fat" was very happy on the screen, but behind the setbacks in her marriage and her daughter's rebellion. In the journey of life, it is like "split personality", one is the same as before, and another when one is one. Joy...

  • Ludwig 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    The death of the band's lead singer: emotional fragility

    This movie looks depressing. Students who want to watch can take a quick look, it seems to be more popular recently. I originally thought that the biography of the band's lead singer would write a lot about music (by the way, "Once"). But a lot of this film is about marriage and family love. Ever...

  • Bradford 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    love will tear us apart again

    After the opening of the past is the past and the present is out of my control , the word "control" appeared on the screen. The title of the film, which was intended to be clear , vaguely predicted the ending of the story. The so-called HAPPY ENDING can't help but want to watch it until it's...

  • Beulah 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    The details make this film almost useless!

    After reading it, it feels very bland, in fact, it is too bland! I was also ridiculed a few times by my wife, such as "Yo, so this is Ian Curtis", which made me quite embarrassed! A lot of people will be disappointed, that's for sure, because in this film Ian Curtis' character is degenerated from a...

  • Letitia 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    Movie Bullshit About Joy Division - "Control"

    It's called "Control". I watched the film as soon as it came out, and now I suddenly want to say a few words when I listen to their song. How should I put it, I don't know much about IAN's detailed life experience, I'm just a fan who likes their music. I got to know them from "CLOSER" 3 years ago,...

  • Mauricio 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    i hate you, and i love you

    I've listened to a lot of JoyDivision's songs, but I don't really know much about them. It's not a style I'm obsessed with, so I just listen to the song, not obsessed. I used to think that the lead singer disappeared when he was very young, and I fantasized about his secret life somewhere, I don't...

  • Enrico 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    I don't understand marriage and I don't dare to marry

    In the age of love, marriage is freedom and pursuit. In fact, I have never understood what marriage is the grave of love. When I was halfway through watching "Control", I seemed to understand a little bit. Marriage is not as simple as imagined, there will always be boring times, and there will be...

  • Fredrick 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    she's lost control

    I was fortunate enough to attend Peter Hook's meeting in Shanghai last year, and if I had seen the biographical film at the time, I might ask him what he thought. Haven't seen a live performance of Ian alive after all. The actor's performance should be great, and the camera lens is beautiful. The...


Director: Anton Corbijn

Language: English Release date: September 26, 2007

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