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Coming Home Reviews

  • Kasey 2022-04-21 09:03:26

    When the fishing light song sounds

    Because my mother wanted to watch "Return", she went to the front station first. The movie looked depressing. Except when Chen Daoming corrected Zhang Jia's French pronunciation, there was knowing laughter in the venue, and there was almost silence at other times. The so-called return is probably...

  • Cara 2022-04-21 09:03:26

    don't come back, go back

    Who is Lu Yanshi? It should not be an exaggeration to say that "a single glance will make a mistake for a lifetime", a genius intellectual, never forgotten, proficient in many languages, and a beautiful man who stands out from the crowd, so when you see such a perfect person being worn away by...

  • Alec 2022-04-21 09:03:26

    I read 400,000 words, you just let me read this?

    With 100% anticipation, after watching "Return", there are not even those deliberately cheap tears, and the rest is only very disappointed. Zhang Yimou emphasized that "Return" is not "Lu Yanshi", well, let's talk about the story first.        The first time I saw "Criminal Lu Yanshi", it was a...

  • Dennis 2022-04-21 09:03:26


    A professor, a professor with ideas and methods, a professor who survived the Cultural Revolution (it shows how wise), when he returned home, he tried every means to remind his wife who loved him but had lost her memory.

    What an interesting story! What would it be like to change to the French? How...

  • Eli 2022-04-21 09:03:26

    A film about a sad story, a sad story itself

    It's a sad story, a home torn apart by the times. Zhang Yimou couldn't be better at this kind of story about the Chinese people twenty or thirty years ago. Big-character posters, propaganda boards that keep up with the times, old-fashioned units, streets, public telephones, various cabinets at...

  • Jaron 2022-04-20 09:02:30


    In the early 1970s, Lu Yanshi (played by Chen Daoming), a labor prisoner who had been isolated from his family for many years, escaped home during a farm transfer. The daughter Dandan (Zhang Huiwen), who dreams of ballet, brought great pressure to prevent her mother Feng Wanyu (Gong Li) from...

  • Onie 2022-04-20 09:02:30

    "Return": Zhang Yimou de-colored, a split return

    "Return" is Zhang Yimou who has retreated from color. Director Zhang also said before that this time is a return to "simple", and the plain and white movie picture can best illustrate this sentence, but the old man who has lost his personality is inevitably sad. The strong Zhang Yimou of "The Big...

  • Everett 2022-04-20 09:02:30


    This light, this shadow, do you understand this love? Xu is looking forward to forgetting the guilt of the past, so he doesn't want to bring the locked door; or waiting for a long time to touch in the future, so he can't think of the person in his dreams. Love is the steamed buns made in...

  • Giuseppe 2022-04-20 09:02:30

    the problem of structure

    It's not that the structure is wrong, it's that it's incomplete. "Hey, this is the end?" When we expressed such emotion, let alone how disappointed we were, our appetite was lifted, but our expectations were not met. The scene from three years ago—the one that Mr. Zhang said was the most exciting,...

  • Silas 2022-04-20 09:02:30

    "Return" is just a return, not "Lu Yanshi"

    Just came back after watching a movie, the name of the movie is also called "Return". Simply put, the whole feeling is like a kiss. Before the blind date, through the description of the introducer and my understanding of the other's parents, I felt that the girl this time should be a fairy girl who...