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Coming Home Reviews

  • Amiya 2022-01-24 17:48:34

    Zhang Yimou who can't return

    First, there were Spielberg’s tears for an hour, and then some intellectuals’ tears on the sleeves of their shirts, but they were dubbed "calm and restraint" and "no sensationalism" by a certain film critic. The daring Zhang Yimou really made a film. A very high-level lyrical movie, the great...

  • Bethany 2022-01-24 17:48:34

    For detoxification, not for dreams.

    When I was relatively young, I couldn’t restrain my urge to observe the world from a pessimistic perspective, so at that time I would give the film review of "Mei Lanfang" the name "Goodbye, Chen Kaige", such as after watching "Blue Kite" I said that I saw "the truth, humanity, and dignity flowing...

  • Dortha 2022-01-24 17:48:34

    Actually never left

    This is a movie that describes the injuries that WG brings to people and the healing of people's wounds after it is over. After watching it, I can't calm down for a long time. The screams of Yanzhi and Wanyu hit the tears, just to meet the lover. A couple of decades, close at hand but separated by...

  • Cary 2022-01-24 17:48:34

    Never return

    Never Come Back     Aside from the high expectations and requirements, "Return" is still a very good movie, at least it can tell a story calmly, no longer relying on strong colors or fancy special effects, and Gong Li's eyes have reappeared. The stubbornness who came out of "Qiuju's Lawsuit"....u

  • Isadore 2022-01-24 17:48:34

    "Return": This is actually a tragic World of Warcraft story

    It is said that in the mysterious eastern Pandaria continent, a group of carefree pandamen live. One day, the evil shaman invaded this land, so this uncontested pandaman was also involved in this land. Go in the fierce dispute. The husband and wife, brothers, sisters, lovers, father and son were...

  • Reyna 2022-01-24 17:48:34

    A story that avoids the most important is not a good story

    Talking about the plot and drama of "Return"   Almost all those who have watched the original novel of "Lu Fang Yanzhi" said that the film was not modified well, but in the age when reading is not easy, most of my friends still give "Return". Positive reviews. I haven't read the original novel, and...

  • Ara 2022-01-24 17:48:34

    Squeeze a little warmth from the blood and tears of the past

    Thirty years ago, there was a genre of literature called "Scar Literature", which mainly referred to some novels describing the Cultural Revolution, named after Lu Xinhua's novel "Scars." Many of them were made into movies, such as "Furong Town", "The Wrangler", "Legend of Tianyun Mountain", etc.,...

  • Stanford 2022-01-24 17:48:34

    Not all the old days are filled with hazy beauty

    Some memories, even if they are blurred, there is only an ugly light glowing in that place.         After two years of hard planning, he finally managed to escape after suffering and traveled thousands of kilometers to return to Shanghai. However, in order not to continue to hurt her and her...

  • Kenton 2022-01-24 17:48:34

    Life is much crueler than movies

    Before evaluating "Return", I want to start with another movie. If I hadn't experienced this incident, maybe I would have a different view of Zhang Yimou's films, or hold a lower standard of measurement. In 2008, director Xie Jin passed away and many cities held retrospective exhibitions. I was...

  • Sidney 2022-01-24 17:48:34

    A story not told in the return

    I only watched "Return" a few days ago, which is not bad. It is the level of "Happy Time" and "A Thousand Miles of Walking Alone". This story, which can be written on a piece of paper, is made into a movie and is attractive to watch. It shows that the director is still capable. After reading it,...