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Collective Reviews

  • Libby 2022-12-14 04:54:31

    What did a fire burn?

    At the Berlin Film Festival earlier this year, Romanian director Radu Jude's large-scale controversial work won the Golden Bear Award in one fell swoop, and at the Oscars that ended last month, there was also a Roman film with great splendor, which was also shortlisted for the best international...

  • Yasmeen 2022-11-23 07:25:29

    a very sensitive topic

    Romania's long-form documentary "The Collective," nominated for both Best International Film and Best Documentary at the Oscars, is another very sensitive topic, reflecting the 2015 fire in a Koletsev bar that killed 27 people, and 37 later. burn patients died of postoperative infection. It exposed...

  • Ambrose 2022-10-06 08:24:19

    The collective unconscious is still the biggest obstacle to the democratic revolution!

    Compared with the government's lies, corruption, greed and incompetence, I thought the government's naked massacre of people through medical corruption was appalling, but I didn't expect that behind the government's efforts to find the truth and expose the government, it was the people who faced...

  • Blaise 2022-09-13 22:39:49

    A good documentary showing the process of healthcare reform

    The treatment after a fire turned Romania's medical system into the first fig leaf to uncover corruption in the entire country. As a documentary, it presents the whole process of the medical investigation. Since the disinfectant used in the investigation hospital was diluted 10 times, the selection...

  • Jermain 2022-09-13 21:13:43

    "Diluted" Humanity

    The patient's face was covered by a white sheet, and the two were squeezed into the same bed...

    On October 30, 2015, at a concert in a nightclub in Romania, a rock band roared on the stage, and a faint flames burst into the crowd. When the fire spread, people screamed and rushed to the exit, the...

  • Curtis 2022-09-13 14:18:22

    My life theme is "Confrontation"

    The documentary "Colectiv" can be translated as "Collective" or literally translated as "Kretsev". It tells the story of a nightclub in Romania called Kretsev. The disinfectant in the hospital where the wounded lived was diluted, causing the wounded to die one after another. There is no...