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Circle Reviews

  • Clark 2022-12-29 05:49:22

    I have some questions?

    First of all, there is no clear rule stating that a tie must die. It is just a rule judged by a person based on facts, not necessarily a real rule. You can refer to the theory of the shooter and the farmer in the three-body theory, so there are two possibilities.

    1. In the event of a tie, those who...

  • Kenny 2022-12-25 16:24:28


    In 2015, the sci-fi horror movie "Circle of Survival | Circle", the Chinese movie name is slightly second. . The poster is also very simple, but many details are not considered, and it is difficult to justify everything by blaming the aliens. It is also common to tear in the middle, which is a...

  • Hannah 2022-12-10 14:16:37

    Aliens play the role of God and let humans carry out the doomsday judgment on themselves

    [⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️] (spoilers!) Aliens play God and conduct a doomsday trial on mankind, and the judge is man himself. When you feel that he/she shouldn’t be voted according to universal moral standards, why he/she is so hateful and has not been cast to death, the ruthless game rules let everyone in and...

  • Grayson 2022-12-10 12:58:19

    Moral multiple choice

    In general escape room movies, multiple acquaintances or strangers are connected by something and are imprisoned by someone hiding in the dark. During the period, they are coerced by the person and need to complete some tasks, otherwise they will die or die. Can't escape or something. It is usually...

  • Georgiana 2022-12-05 21:50:26

    In the end, so many pregnant women survived, which is really terrifying...

    Because pregnant women are counted as two people in the rules, how can pregnant women live to the end? In the last round, I and the child in my stomach voted for each other, so it is only possible to say that the pregnant women cast their children to death at the end, and they may survive on their...

  • Era 2022-12-04 05:49:45

    This movie just wants to prove that the world is good at the moment.

    Actually I find it very boring. . . . It felt like I was back in the classroom listening to some pointless arguments. A few people die at the beginning of the movie so that "us" the audience understands the rules in this room. -Alien -Out of the Circle -Vote Barabara a lot, just to make the final...

  • Winston 2022-12-01 14:13:36

    About the ending

    The most interesting thing about this film is that it is not only the plot, but also a human experiment outside the play. The audience's attitude towards the ending and the fate of the characters in the play is also a very interesting phenomenon. This film reminds me of the proposition of a debate...

  • Demetrius 2022-11-22 21:31:48

    (Ending) It's the best ending

    Most people are dissatisfied that what is left is a man, but if what is left is not a man but a child and a pregnant woman, there are two results: 1. If the pregnant woman voluntarily dies, the     child left and the baby in the belly of the pregnant woman can’t be said that the child will not...

  • Griffin 2022-11-07 11:58:07

    A little grandstanding. .

    personal opinion. . The theme is very good, but the movie is only 80 minutes long, and you have to play a game with 50 people. The average person can only speak for one minute. It feels like there are too many people . Also kind of crap. . Too many irrelevant NPC lines. . On the contrary, a few key...

  • Nat 2022-10-31 20:19:59

    A miniature of modern human society

    A typical mental game movie.

    Under a setting where there is no extra time to ask why, someone must die every short period of time until the last person survives.

    So it doesn't make sense to set the background or ask the principle for the movie. The film mainly expresses that in front of the god of...