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Chinatown Reviews

  • Clinton 2022-03-17 09:01:02


    The suspense of this movie is created very well. First of all, it is a reversal of the plot. When one case is over, another case will follow one after another, and the previous case is like a trigger for a bigger conspiracy. The theme of this movie is drawn from that line. This is Chinatown. If you...

  • Arnold 2022-03-17 09:01:02

    Analyze the slightly obscure plot

    More than ten years ago, the gangster raped or seduced the daughter, who was the heroine, and caused the heroine to become pregnant. The heroine fled to Mexico and gave birth to a girl there. The gangster’s partner, a water conservancy engineer, knew about this. Because of business disputes or the...

  • Florencio 2022-03-16 09:01:02

    Ebb and flow

    There is a very famous couplet in Meng Jiangnv’s temple in Shanhaiguan: “The sea is going down and down, and the floating clouds will grow up and down.” The name of the story is Chinatown, but Chinatown is only the final climax of the film. What happened. The deeper meaning behind it should be that...

  • Desmond 2022-03-16 09:01:02

    Why is "Chinatown" named after "Chinatown"

    When the film "Chinatown" directed by Roman Polanski came out in 1974, it shocked the audience. The following year won the 47th Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. It is also known as the best film script in the United States in the 1970s. The story of "Chinatown" revolves around a private...

  • Sadye 2022-03-15 09:01:02

    The little people linger under the big conspiracy

    This article was first published on the public account: No. 7 Film Library (Theater7)

    Doing many things hard doesn't necessarily lead to good results. After all, personal strength is limited, but at least he is worthy of his heart, isn't it?

  • Lacy 2022-03-15 09:01:02

    The meaning of Polanski's movie "Chinatown"


    Recently, Polanski’s news has been searched again. I think he is a bit like Woody Allen, his art is very good, and he is a scumbag.

    Many people asked that Chinatown only appeared at the end of the movie in "Chinatown". And this story has little to do with Chinatown. Why is the title...

  • Ivory 2022-03-14 14:12:21

    The story behind Chinatown

    ●I can’t write a comment about the movie. Although the movie is not complicated, there is no entry point to comment after all, so I will just say some other interesting tips     ●This film about Los Angeles’ lack of water and stealing water is based on truth. The incident was written of     course....

  • Vinnie 2021-10-20 17:48:31

    Director said

    Roman Polansi was born in Paris in 1933 and returned to Poland with his parents three years later. During the World War, his father was taken into a concentration camp by the Nazis, and his mother died there. Lonely and helpless Polanski was adopted by many Polish families. This horrible childhood...

  • Roselyn 2021-10-20 17:45:37


    As a classic noir film, although the dark ending of the movie was very cruel, it did not give me a breath of shock and shock. Instead, my heart slowly fell into the boundless darkness and unable to extricate myself. (´。✪ω✪。`)

    Because under the excellent plot of the film, the ending of the film...

  • Letha 2021-10-20 17:44:24

    Chinatown pull film

    1:51-3:40 The man whose wife cheated in the office looked at the photos taken by the detective and cried bitterly. The detective comforted him and sent him away. (Explain the profession and character of the detective) 3:41-5:43 Another case in the office . Mrs. Mo claimed that her husband...