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Chinatown Reviews

  • Alycia 2022-03-23 09:01:16

    To show the darkness is to call the light

    It’s better to do nothing than to do nothing, the less the better it becomes Jack’s nightmare.

    Chinatown is a metaphor where darkness is stronger than justice. If you want to survive peacefully, you must learn to keep one eye open

    Many years ago Jack was a young policeman with a sense of justice,...

  • Alden 2022-03-23 09:01:16


    Roman Polanski’s masterpiece is about a dark scene of murder. The narrative structure is cleverly constructed, and the story is slowly spread out without leaking. The intrigue of the characters and the intricacies of the incident are not revealed until the last moment. The film is aimed at the...

  • Erich 2022-03-23 09:01:16

    "Chinatown": Ingenious workmanship, broken jade surging in secret

    Therefore, the array of doubts, the voice dazzles, the ingenious workmanship, the broken jade surging in the dark.

    Noah clashed with his son-in-law Murray over the dam and killed Murray and moved his body in his back garden. Prior to this, Noah also asked a strange woman to impersonate her daughter...

  • Daniella 2022-03-23 09:01:16

    Take "Chinatown" as an example to discuss the play skills

    To explore the skills to play "Chinatown" as an example                                                                   stubborn monkey                                                                   2016 · 7 · 27    "Chinatown" The film itself has little relationship with the "Chinatown." It...

  • Fabiola 2022-03-22 09:01:13

    Resistance and destiny-Skynet recovers the big conspiracy of small people difficult to enemy

      This movie was originally not directly related to Chinatown, but is it called Chinatown for Mao? It is said that one day, the screenwriter Robert Donald chatted with a policeman who worked in Chinatown. Robert Donald asked him what he did at work every day. The police said that we did nothing....

  • Jabari 2022-03-22 09:01:13

    Polanski ending

    Note: There are spoilers for "The Pianist", "Chinatown" and "Iron Man 3". When I saw the pianist in the uniform of a German officer running out of the ruins where he was hiding at the end of "The Pianist", I took a breath: "Oh my god, he's gonna be killed!" I'm almost certain that the pianist will...

  • Mossie 2022-03-22 09:01:13


    After watching, I can't help feeling that such a classic movie actually relies on an impeccable script. As a detective suspense film, this film is definitely a textbook-level model. The story is not at all procrastinating, the plot is constantly ups and downs, and always arouses the emotions of the...

  • Shemar 2022-03-22 09:01:13

    There is no pure land under the sun

    The detective film shot by the film master Polanski in Hollywood in 1974 is also a classic noir film. A private detective was hired to investigate an extramarital affair, but did not want to be involved in a municipal scandal involving government and business collusion. Of course, this is not a...

  • Virgie 2022-03-22 09:01:13

    I'm so sorry

    When Song Xuemi was watching this movie in his class at the time, she was confused and couldn't help lamenting for her IQ and being anxious, and feeling sincerely admiring Polanski. Take it out again today. When I was young, I always played EA's development games, represented by simulated cities....n

  • Alexa 2022-03-22 09:01:13

    Go to Longtan again

    Private detective was involved in the murder of the dam project is called love deeper and deeper roots in the end lost to the shady water war western version of "The Maltese Falcon" collusion metamorphosis oligarchs on the performance of Chinese film visible Chinatown basically a "dirty and messy,"...