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Chinatown Reviews

  • Hayden 2022-04-21 09:01:17

    Chinatown is everywhere

    Before watching the movie, Big Cat always felt that since the movie is called Chinatown, there will be some scenes shot in Chinatown. So much so that before the ending, he had been very anxious about whether Chinatown was going to appear.

    Probably because he's been to Chinatown in LA, where his best...

  • Annabell 2022-04-21 09:01:17

    As little as possible

    First of all, I have to say that I don't understand movies, detective novels, and even the driver of Poland, but I found his films to be an inescapable existence.

    Every director who claims to love detective novels and themes has a Chinatown in his heart.

    Nora, who couldn't run away; a servant who was...

  • Damien 2022-04-21 09:01:17

    where is the truth

    Originally I wanted to see Polanski's and then Charles Laughton's Night of the Hunter, but the film was so perfect that I decided to write something, not in the habit of writing reviews. When night falls, sin begins to happen. Perhaps the conspiracy in the film is just the tip of the...

  • Bernhard 2022-04-21 09:01:17

    Some words after watching "Chinatown"

    The film "Chinatown" begins with an extramarital affair, and generally weaves a big net for the viewer, which is an intertwined web of desire, money, power and so on. The slow pace of the film makes the audience both nervous and shudder under the chain-linking plot. The script of the film is...

  • Morris 2022-04-21 09:01:17

    ebb and flow

    In the temple of Meng Jiangnu in Shanhaiguan, there is a very famous couplet: "The sea is falling, and the clouds are long and long." The name of the story is Chinatown, but Chinatown is only the final climax of the film. the scene that happened. The deeper meaning behind it should be that the film...

  • Theodora 2022-04-21 09:01:17

    Chinatown (1974)

    In 1974, the American film "Chinatown" directed by Roman Polanski was released and was nominated for 11 Oscar nominations including Best Director, Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay in 1975, and finally won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. The film is called a classic of...

  • Ruthe 2022-04-21 09:01:17

    Polanski: Stop asking me what is darkness

    "More content in the public account: CUI six soils"

    A false prosperity full of power

  • Jillian 2022-04-21 09:01:17

    The death of Evelyn

  • Deontae 2022-04-21 09:01:17

    "Chinatown" and onlookers

    To find out the truth, one person is enough; to achieve justice, the whole society needs to participate.

    It is regarded as a necessary "research" script for the drama school. "Chinatown" is perfect. Many people watch this film, perhaps because of its fame, perhaps to complete their homework. .


  • Aurore 2022-04-20 09:01:11

    Chinatown 1974

    After reading Chinatown, I finally thought that the woman would survive, but she still died. I felt a pity, and I felt very deeply, and my heart seemed to be blocked. In this world, there are still many unfair things. Many good people can't be like the ending of the movie. They can always defeat...