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Chinatown Reviews

  • Jakob 2021-10-20 17:42:31

    "Chinatown": The crime and desire behind the urban incident

    "Chinatown" is based on a real urban incident in Los Angeles in the early twentieth century-the rape of Evans Valley. It tells the story of a politician colluding with capital to fool the people to build a dam and make huge profits from it. The film has become a classic in film history because the...

  • Kole 2021-10-20 17:41:32

    The sin in loneliness!

        First, let's briefly talk about the famous director Roman Polanski. I remember reading a book before, saying that the most important thing about Poskey's movie is to show "the loneliness of survival". I cannot agree more with this sentence. Attentive movie fans will find that in...

  • Ibrahim 2021-10-20 17:39:56

    Film Noir No.1: Everyone has a Chinatown in his heart

     "Forget it, Jack, this is Chinatown."       -At the end of "Chinatown", the private detective played by Nicholson, Gitis, witnessed her beloved woman being shot through by a bullet after being chased by the beast father and the bastard police. In the back of the head, one of her eyes...

  • Joanie 2021-10-20 17:37:35

    On the combination of subjective and objective viewpoints and sound spatial modeling in "Chinatown"

    When he was a child, his parents were arrested in a Jewish concentration camp, and his mother died tragically and wandered since childhood. As an adult, the filming of the horrible "Rosemary's Baby" caused revenge from a cult organization, killing his eight-month pregnant wife by caesarean...

  • Jackie 2021-10-20 17:37:34

    "Chinatown"-the pioneering work of a new noir film that continues the classical noir style

    In the 1960s, the student movement, pro-democracy movement, equal rights, anti-Vietnam war, and hippie movements were surging, and the outbreak of the "Watergate Incident" made the government credibility decline, so the revival of noir films full of suspicion and criticism is faintly...

  • Lionel 2021-10-20 17:36:52

    Interpretation of Chinatown

    Talk about the general environment at that time.From the late 1960s to the early 1970s, Hollywood experienced the so-called "New Hollywood" or "the Hollywood renaissance". During the period, the management methods, policies, personnel, and shooting modes of major film production companies...

  • Ena 2021-10-20 17:36:52

    Can't escape from Chinatown

     Wen Yuan by the sound of  the preceding years, a famous Jewish director and the little girl scandal has ignited the old things, the old man took the Oscar for Best Director psychological powerful, decided to face this thing ...... the director was small, He is extremely intelligent and...

  • Santina 2021-10-20 17:35:31

    "Chinatown" movie script

    "Chinatown" screenwriter/[U.S.] Robert Towner Translated/ Sheren is written by Robert Towne (Robet Towne) and produced by Paramount Pictures in 1974. The film "Chinatown" (Chinatown) ) Won the Oscar Award for Best Screenplay in the United States in 1974. The film directed by Roman Polanski...

  • Candice 2021-10-20 17:34:15

    Justice does not necessarily defeat evil

          In this land where we live, the thing parents are most happy to do and do whatever it takes is to invest in their children’s education, but the strange thing is that since childhood, almost no parents are willing to spend forty-five minutes to sit in the classroom. , Look at what...

  • Laurine 2021-10-20 17:31:32

    Laughter in the dark

            At the end of the film, Jack's figure is lost and hidden in the darkness, the lens is zoomed out, and inside are the indifferent and curious residents of Chinatown. This is a classic scene in the movie, which implies that crime and injustice are not only happening to Jack alone....