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Chhichhore Reviews

  • Florian 2022-11-09 08:10:59

    A gentle and determined educational film against business

    Indian film "First Dreams" gives a good start to 2022 theatrical release!

    This film comes at the right time. In this era full of anxiety and introversion, it is unique, anti-inspirational, anti-chicken blood, attaches great importance to inverse quotient, and reflects on educational issues and...

  • Eino 2022-11-09 00:21:29

    The side effect of dreams should be immune to "doing life"

    The recovery of the son's life and the recollection of the father's memories in the film constitute two aspects of the story, and the common end point of the two aspects in terms of value is to trigger a reassessment of the meaning of life by the young people and test takers.

    The creator laid out...

  • Kenny 2022-11-07 14:26:47

    for education

    The movie is very sobering. It has Indian humor, of course, and the most classic Indian songs and dances. The two story lines are spliced ​​together in a montage method. The narrative and splicing together have more techniques than traditional movies. Among them, Buildings 3 and 4 It is a very...

  • Desmond 2022-11-06 13:01:57

    The drama is also excellent

    I watched the Indian movie "The First Dream" tonight. The plot is compact and smooth, and the humor is just right. It is especially suitable for children who have just finished the test. If they can't find a perfect step in the test, it can be said to have far-reaching educational significance....

  • Naomi 2022-11-05 11:14:02


    Too bad, the worst Indian film I've ever seen, embarrassing, deliberately funny, half an hour of plot, two and a half hours of filming, a campus inspirational film. Three idiots, wrestling dads, and ghettoes all have a deeper meaning than this. Just like making 60 episodes of a 20-episode domestic...

  • Colten 2022-11-05 10:22:48

    first dreams

    The background of the film is very advanced, and it is a modern India. It turns out that there are other film and television dramas in India, which are different from most people's impressions and can't see the other side.

    If it's educational, this movie is still there. Not just in India, there may...

  • Sasha 2022-11-05 07:00:21

    Indian "Friends"

    The process of life is always more important than the result, and the process cannot be denied just because the result is not good. This is the more core value of this film, and I agree with this sentence. The film exposes the very real college entrance examination problems in India, as well as the...

  • Maribel 2022-11-03 23:56:23

    Follow your heart and pursue your original dream

    I thought it was a heavy topic about not being able to blindly educate successfully and how to educate setbacks, but it was awakened by the good times between the protagonist and his classmates in college. Looking back on my school days, it is not all the way, but the happiness after giving and the...

  • Keith 2022-11-02 00:00:02

    Facing failure bravely, hard work will not regret

    The film starts with the son's failure in the college entrance examination, and tells the ironic story of six people and a group of failed students in Building No. 4 and their father's college days, trying to get rid of the label of "failure". There are crying and laughing, singing and dancing,...

  • Randy 2022-10-28 05:45:09

    funny fragments, unpleasant whole

    Some of the details in the movie are funny, but I always felt an intuitive unpleasantness in watching the movie. In retrospect, there are probably two aspects.

    First, there is dissonance in the overall framework.

    The movie wants to compare the failure of the father and his roommates in the sports...