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Chappie Reviews

  • Virginie 2022-01-27 08:03:07

    The whole film is a large propaganda film of Die antwoord

    Let me talk about the landlord is DA brain residual powder when I first saw the trailer Die antwoord there will certainly go and see this film in China this group might visibility is not so high , but in a foreign country is a CTR of millions of ultra-red team http:...

  • Griffin 2022-01-27 08:03:07

    Artificial intelligence and equality of all living beings

    Neil Blomkamp's film has nothing to do with it from an artistic point of view. The performances are random and the plot is a bit blunt. Jackman is like a soy sauce. Of course, it is also possible that these shortcomings are too obvious because of viewing on the giant screen. Those of his movies...

  • Gayle 2022-01-27 08:03:07

    The soul that breaks the body - "Super Robot: Chappie"

    Since the end of 2014, the trailers of "Chappie" have been played in major theaters in North America in turn. Every time you watch the trailer for 2 minutes and 30 seconds, it will make people feel a little sad, not exaggerated, just like being An inexplicable obsession and shock, feeling how...

  • Jeffery 2022-01-27 08:03:07

    Chappie: Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

    In 2015, Deon, a Johannesburg programmer, used computer programming to create the "consciousness" of a robot. How did he do it? A: Good luck B: Drink Red Bull C: He's a genius D: It is written. "Welcome to 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire'!" Deon walked into the recording scene as the audience...

  • Troy 2022-01-27 08:03:07

    The most afraid of death Chappie, the most mixed Blomkamp

    The propaganda poster of the mainland has the phrase "turning point of human evolution". Before I saw it, I felt that I didn't know what it meant: What relationship can a movie about robots have to do with human evolution? After watching it, I realized that the director had already laid the...

  • Clovis 2022-01-27 08:03:07

    slum cutie

    Everyone went to see the Fulian, and I enjoyed the treatment of the reserved venue. Neil is a typical high and low walk, but fortunately, the starting point is high enough, and it will not be worse than the reunion. The film is still the familiar formula—the fierce confrontation between slums and...

  • Troy 2022-01-27 08:03:07

    Incredible brain opening

    "Super Chappie", the third work directed by Neil, is another sci-fi film, and the location is still South Africa. But the difference is that this is a magical film that gets more and more incredible as it gets to the end, until the end sighs and opens up! At the same time, the shadow of the ninth...

  • Jamison 2022-01-27 08:03:07

    an anti-war movie

    RT, this is an anti-war movie. The entire film is devoted to portraying the tragic image of Vincent, a former American soldier. (Worked in various military) It can be seen from the scene where he used a gun in the office in broad daylight for a SanDisk cool bean USB flash drive to frighten a cute...

  • Erling 2022-01-27 08:03:07

    I, Robot - "Super Chappie"

    I think the biggest difference between robots and humans is that robots have no emotions. Although they can use a lot of modest words and tones when talking to you, they cannot understand your emotions. But if they have emotions like us, can we safely call them robots? I admit that when I saw the...

  • Brandon 2022-01-27 08:03:07

    slightly disappointed

    With the third AI-themed work, expectations are too high again. It's not clear what happened to the robot AI, but it can graft the human soul all of a sudden. The jump is too big to accept. The growth of intelligent robots seems to be based on principles, but in fact there is no lower limit. Uncle...