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Chappie Reviews

  • Zack 2022-04-23 07:01:37

    Relaxed and warm sci-fi action movie

    Probably since Chappie began to show childlike innocence and fear, he began to feel anxious for him and wanted to get him out of the clutches of "Dad". From this, you can feel the preciousness of human emotion and consciousness.

    The only thing I don't like is that the villain is not...

  • Levi 2022-04-23 07:01:37

    Your kindness must be sharp

    Rated 8.0 points.

    Although the show is full of violent fights and killing scenes, it can also fill people's hearts with warmth.

    The birth of chappie is a revolutionary creation in the history of artificial intelligence, because he is implanted with the thinking and consciousness that only human...

  • Ernie 2022-04-23 07:01:37

    Does the director think the audience are all idiots?

    1. Why does an AI robot need to use a laptop? Isn't he a computer himself? 2. Why does an artificial intelligence robot need to use a keyboard designed for human dialogue when using a laptop? Isn't he a computer himself? 3. Why does an artificial intelligence robot need to wear a brain wave sensor...

  • Herminia 2022-04-23 07:01:37

    SpongeBob's Super Chappie

    The story goes like this: Brother Octopus, played by Uncle Wolf, and SpongeBob, played by a poor millionaire, are colleagues, and SpongeBob is a star employee of the company, which leads to all kinds of envy, jealousy, and hatred of Brother Octopus. As a star employee, SpongeBob not only performed...

  • Edythe 2022-04-23 07:01:37

    A "science fiction film" about the psychological development of children

    First of all, you have to have the sense of seeing Chappie as a big, fat boy born to the neighbor's second brother (Dave Patel). ╮(╯▽╰)╭       As soon as Xiaocha was born, he was abducted by a pair of traffickers (answering the band Ninja and YoLandi) before he had time to look at his father. The...

  • Elinore 2022-04-23 07:01:37

    Imperfect Robot Chappie

    Chappie is imperfect, even a little bit bad, getting smarter and stronger and still like a kid, creator Dean and three underworld losers didn't make him perfect, just like most kids don't live up to their parents' expectations. Looking forward to growing up, and he finally became a dark horse...

  • Lee 2022-04-22 07:01:06

    Two hours is just watching and complaining!

    There are too many slots, just to list a few: 1. I don't know if the movie budget is insufficient, many scenes seem to be full of PS traces. 2. Is the LOGO of the orange model transferred by Deon really not a copycat BMW? . 3. Artificial intelligence has developed to this level, and Deon's home is...

  • Arne 2022-04-22 07:01:06

    Importance of parental involvement in child development

    If "District 9" discusses the fear brought about by physical mutation, then this "Super Chappie" goes even further. Then, the consciousness of people in "Super Body" can be transferred to a USB flash drive, machines and people can be resurrected infinitely, and their souls will not die. The...

  • Hubert 2022-04-22 07:01:06

    A long review that is slightly longer than a short review

    1. Technology has developed to the point where it is difficult for gangsters to understand, so Yolandi will think that everything has a remote control, and then stole it to Chappie by accident. 2. The last part of the transmission of consciousness is too sudden. The brain that can read the human...

  • Clemens 2022-04-22 07:01:06

    artificial intelligence

    Chappie is very cute. It made me feel the importance of education and environment in shaping a new soul. The good and evil of human beings are inherently complex, and suddenly they do not reject children. I think the future development of artificial intelligence must be that technology precedes...