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Chappie Reviews

  • Freddie 2022-01-27 08:03:07

    Full of warmth under titanium steel alloy

    After a while in my mind, movies like the United States, this kind of subject matter, storytelling techniques, and touching points are basically shown in this film. Next, the performance of this film is still remarkable. First of all, the news interview narrative technique was used at the beginning...

  • Florine 2022-01-27 08:03:07

    Cute and cool robot Chappie

    Neil Blomkamp is a sci-fi director, whether his focus is on the aliens in "District 9," the future in "Elysium," or the robots in "Chappie" , it's all about science fiction. Jokingly, he's a director who is genuinely worried about the future of humanity. After the big, empty "Elysium" fiasco, the...

  • Beaulah 2022-01-27 08:03:07

    Another thinking robot

    Dean, a young scientist who looks like India's Asan, turned a robot made in China into a policeman, and actually made a thoughtful artificial intelligence robot Charlie, from a baby to learning the behavior of a gang member, helping rob a money truck and killing people, born of the villain special...

  • Nestor 2022-01-27 08:03:07

    Super Chappie

    7.5 points. The theme and setting are very good, but unfortunately the completion of the plot is not good enough, and the details and logic are not well handled. It is a pity that this has the opportunity to become a masterpiece. ===== Plot description: In the near future, it will no longer be the...

  • Melba 2022-01-27 08:03:07

    【Movie】15024[5.17] "Super Chappie"

    To be sure, Neil Blomkamp must have some kind of perversion, from "District 9" to none of these movies is about the combination of humans and other organisms, and whether it is man-made or natural, Blow Mkamp is very keen to transfer the soul into another container, and it is not difficult to...