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Chappie Reviews

  • Sasha 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    Views on consciousness or soul in the film

    Worthy of the score of 7.2, but unfortunately the last U disk is a failure. In my opinion, the soul can only be transferred, not copied. The transferred soul is the original one, the duplicated one looks the same, but it is not the original one anymore. Therefore, if the soul transfer method that...

  • Priscilla 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    Sorry, but looking forward to the second part

    I feel that in recent years, there have been more movies about robots in the United States, especially the theme of artificial intelligence. Because of the controversy, I personally like movies with this theme. Talk about the movie Super Chappie, from the poster. Look, I really don't think so,...

  • Reyes 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    "Super Chappie" | About growth, how to understand death

    "Chappie" has received a lot of anticipation from its director Neil Blomkamp, ​​whose last two films were "Elysium" and "District 9." This time, "Super Chappie" and "District 9" have a lot in common, both of which are set in Johannesburg, South Africa: the gap between the rich and the poor is...

  • Moshe 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    Chappie and the future of humanity

    When I went to see it yesterday, there was a power outage at the cinema, and then the English version I bought was inexplicably changed to the Chinese version, and finally the Chinese version was interspersed with a large section of the English version. Although the viewing experience is extremely...

  • Lupe 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    The body is not important, the consciousness is important

    I originally thought that this was a story about a love for robots, so I made a movie about what I love. Unexpectedly, this director has such a philosophical pursuit! The physical body is not important, the consciousness is important. As long as the consciousness exists, even if it is the body of...

  • Felicia 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    "Heroes" who play cards completely out of common sense

    Why are there so many four-star ratings, and where does this movie explore human nature? A silly girl who was still asking the creator for the remote control at the beginning, suddenly changed her body and said chicken soup to the robot for the soul, which is really unacceptable. And at the...

  • Marianna 2022-04-23 07:01:37

    cute little robot

    It’s really cool to play two movies in a row, very good sci-fi movies. Although the plot has some flaws, the viewing process is very smooth. I like the sci-fi movies of Neil Blomkamp, ​​and they always have a strong sense of substitution and realism. . Check out his "Aliens in Johannesburg," shaky...

  • Alysha 2022-04-23 07:01:37

    A robot with warmth and warmth.

    4 stars, it's not the same as the silly and sweet robot movies in recent years. This robot was born in a messy slum. It's a little less sci-fi, and it's a little more popular, and it reacts naturally. The human nature of the film is more direct, and it also reveals a warm feeling. The final...

  • Lexie 2022-04-23 07:01:37

    Super Chappie robot is fully intelligent

    This is a 2015 sci-fi film in which Wolverine Hugh Jackman turns into mouse shit to disrupt the robot police project. In the future world, robots will certainly take on more jobs. The film is set in Johannesburg, South Africa. Robots can replace the police in law enforcement and solve the...

  • Kaleigh 2022-04-23 07:01:37

    Appreciation of "Super Chapai"

    Appreciation of "Super Chapai"

    "Super Chappie" is a work by director Neil Blomkamp, ​​a film about an artificial intelligence robot with independent thinking. This film shows some of the director's thinking about human society and camera style as always. It is a well-received science fiction...