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Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Reviews

  • Kacie 2022-03-24 09:02:11

    The period films I like (the literal title of the film is more appropriate)

    Relive the movies you watched as a child. At that time, I was too young to fully understand the plot, but I remembered the decadent and handsome male protagonist and the beautiful and unparalleled female protagonist. The Hollywood movies of that era had a special mood, representing the golden age...

  • Abe 2022-03-22 09:02:01

    The crystallization of the strength of two sexy superstars

    At first, it was aimed at Paul Newman, and I didn't have much hope, but it turned out to be an unexpectedly warm film.  Paul, who was in his 30s at that time, also happened to interpret the more than 30 decadent protagonists in the film, and Elizabeth Taylor, another most beautiful woman in the...

  • Kenton 2022-03-21 09:02:10

    Starting from Paul Newman, study the image of male stars in China and the United States

    The movie has created a lot of images of classic men, although 99% of the female audience is very clear that these men do not exist in real life, and the one around them just needs to be pleasing to the eye. Paul Newman is very handsome, Marlon Brando is wild, James Dean is unruly, and Gary Grant...

  • Electa 2022-03-20 09:01:57

    this is drama

    "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" (USA, 1958, also known as The Fantastic Woman) features beautiful women, handsome men, Paul Newman and Elizabeth Taylor, and Tennessee Williams who can tell a story. This is another of his works after "A Streetcar Named Desire", which is full of desire, depression and...

  • Rowena 2022-03-20 09:01:57


    The first time I watched it was about 10 years ago--sign it, and the second time I watched it about 4 years ago. After watching it twice and giving it 5 stars, one of the decisive reasons I still remember it is that Paul Newman is so handsome, so handsome Now. If I set a reference for my boyfriend,...

  • Antonina 2021-12-22 08:01:06

    A stage play "The Clever Woman in Zhumen"

    I've always been curious about the title "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof". After reading it, I feel that it is indeed appropriate. This critical work on the moral emptiness and anxiety of the bourgeois family of hypocrisy and lies can be said to be "American Beauty". "The originator of movies like ". But...

  • Tanya 2021-12-22 08:01:06

    The beauty that stops your heartbeat and authentic performance

    After Yupo left, I only started to watch some supplementary lessons for her. Both Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Newman have passed away, but they have left this masterpiece, which won 5 Oscar nominations. I don’t need to describe the excitement of this work. I will tell you some behind-the-scenes...

  • Kassandra 2021-12-22 08:01:06

    The cat on the hot tin roof becomes Yurun Xintian

    I saw the beginning of the ice cream battle on the movie channel. The glamorous, mean, and restless Elizabeth Taylor left a very deep impression on me. When I looked again, I found that this was the beginning of the movie. "The Cat on the Hot Tin Roof" is really a very apt name. At the beginning of...

  • Chris 2021-12-22 08:01:06

    "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof": A stage play to maintain traditional family relationships

    "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" was adapted into a movie of the same name in 1958, and was nominated for 6 Oscars. Contrary to the attitude towards the movie version of "A Streetcar Named Desire", Tennessee Williams himself hated the movie "The Cat on the Hot Tin Roof". At that time, Elvis Presley, whom...

  • Fatima 2021-12-22 08:01:06

    "The Cat on the Hot Tin Roof" and "The Clever Woman in Zhumen"

    I have watched the movie "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" (Hong Kong translation of "The Clever Woman") starring Taylor and Newman under the recommendation of a friend, and I have some feelings to write down.

    The film is adapted from the play of the same name created by Tennessee Williams. The original story...