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Candy Reviews

  • Deontae 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    warm and sad

    I never thought that the mad Heath Ledger would act in such a warm romantic film, which completely subverted my impression of him. In the past, my impression of Heath Ledger was that of a crazy clown, a drug-addicted bad guy outside the actor, but this film changed my opinion of him. And actress...

  • Ford 2022-03-24 09:02:46

    I can't go back

    the saddest thing is that even though we tried really really hard, we just cant go back.  They are so lucky because they are the right person for each other. He is nothing, cowardly and bad life, but she loves him. She was with him, nothing was right, it was so painful, but he loved her. This alone...

  • Deja 2022-03-24 09:02:46

    love and poison

    I saw a simple movie review of this movie from a certain website, sex addiction and drug addiction, but more I think it is drug addiction, not too much description for sex addiction, maybe I haven't felt that point yet . Witnessed the beginning of the love between the male protagonist and the...

  • Margarita 2022-03-23 09:02:36

    "Candy" August 1

    It hurts to watch this movie. It's not that the movie is bad, it's that the movie is too direct to life, like the sun shining through this depressing morning fog, transparent without any subtlety, and the adultery that cannot be hidden in the light is like a publicity to the world. That is the...

  • Arden 2022-03-23 09:02:36

    life, love and growth

    I always like to think about an object from the perspective of the meaning of life, and this is no exception.   In the words of Song Siming of Wojuli, as long as people taste the sweetness of the shortcut to happiness, they will fall in love with this method and will not be satisfied with the...

  • Kole 2022-03-23 09:02:36

    The "drugs" that make us sink

    This is a movie where drugs and love go hand in hand. The beginning of love is accompanied by the beginning of drug addiction, the joy of love is accompanied by the joy of drug use, the pain of love is accompanied by the pain of drug addiction, the confusion of love is accompanied by the struggle...

  • Agustina 2022-03-23 09:02:36


    They smile like flowers, the beginning of love is always sweet as honey, and at the moment of meeting, the world is spinning and they are willing to sink. We share with each other and blend in with each other. The roulette of fate is spinning, we don't know it. When you wake up, you are already...

  • Weston 2022-03-22 09:02:18

    From heaven to earth: so vivid, so eye-catching

    Heaven, earth, hell, really answer the Chinese old saying "earth-shaking and generosity", thinking about how many movies I have watched, there are also many about taking drugs and acupuncture, but it is really rare to simply describe using it. , the only feeling after watching it is: this is the...

  • Cecelia 2022-03-22 09:02:18

    Depressed, dare not look in your eyes

    Candy is a sweet and sexy girl, with a charming smile and a smart voice, all of which are in line with her mouth-watering name Candy, but the director really wants to make a huge contrast between sweetness. Drugs are not only sweet candy but also The bottomless abyss, on the surface, the two of...

  • Herta 2022-03-22 09:02:18


    Watching Candy, I immediately think of young men and women on the streets of Melbourne begging for change. So I think "Candy" has a real cruelty that is hard to accept. It seemed to tell me that those young men and women who made me feel hopeless were once beautiful. Therefore, as the film...