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Brexit Reviews

  • Merle 2022-01-20 08:01:03

    Information power

    Many people who watched the trailer are complaining about the sparse heads of Brexit and hair loss, but after watching the film, people can't laugh, and in the cold January, people feel more and more chilly. .

    The plot logic clearly sorts out how Brexit happened. This incident has been discussed...

  • Deondre 2022-01-20 08:01:03

    What does Dominic Cummings want?

    The film is well made and the subject matter is thought-provoking.

    However, after watching this movie, the question that I am most confused about and want to clarify is: What does Dominic Cummings want from all this?

    What he wants is not secular power: before joining the movement, he stayed away from...

  • Greyson 2022-01-20 08:01:03

    Britain at the crossroads of history

    Filmed "Yes, Minister! The British people in "Behind the Scenes Crisis" and "Behind the Scenes" are still able to make political films. The key is how will history be judged?

    In 2016, when the results of the British referendum showed that the Brexitists had won, I was on the highway back to my...

  • Alana 2022-01-20 08:01:03

    Does man have free will? I'm afraid not.

    1. Use less electronic equipment (difficult)

    2. How can we get rid of big data analysis? (The action is against humanity and goes against the trend)

  • Abdullah 2022-01-20 08:01:03

    This article is for bald people only, do not enter if you have hair

    Let me talk about curly baldness.

    In [Brexit: Unreasonable War], he was bald like an old Beijing hutong shop owner. It's just the kind of skewers, drinking rice porridge, eating green farm eggs, accidentally pressing the central three sets and watching them for a day. The vehicle is an electric...

  • Aliza 2022-01-20 08:01:03

    Possibly, the future belongs to the Tower of Babel...

    There is a passage at the beginning of the film: We all know who won, but we don't know how he won. Indeed, there were two political black swans in 2016, one is Brexit and the other is Trump's rise to power. As the result came out, the mainstream media was in an uproar: How could this be...!


  • Clovis 2022-01-20 08:01:03

    What does "Brexit: Unreasonable War" discuss about social issues?

    This film can be viewed from the perspective of power operation. Who owns the power? Government, people, politicians? In the future social development, what will be the most likely to master power? Master the money, master the information? The screenwriter should be a Foucault fan.

    As far as...

  • Stan 2022-01-20 08:01:03

    The referendum system is indeed an unreasonable war

    Although at the beginning it gave people a feeling of being too lofty and a little persuasive, but afterwards, many things were told to the people, and it was nothing more than the media world to tell the truth behind the referendum. But for those who don't know the British party system very well,...

  • April 2022-01-20 08:01:03

    The power of the pen

    1. The translation of "The uncivil war" as "unreasonable war" feels a bit unsatisfactory. "Barbaric war" is probably closer to the theme of the film. The democratic vote in name is civil, but it is actually a political struggle in uncivil. Show the barbarism, hypocrisy, and unscrupulous political...

  • Nico 2022-01-20 08:01:03

    Go and stay decided? The design is inevitable!

    Last week, Bezos left, and so did the baby.

    Corrupt people are not so lucky. Since the moment of the decision to leave more than two years ago, the property and other liquidation have not been completed; and it seems that it is far from over; although it is said that the date limit for divorce by...