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Brexit Reviews

  • Cora 2022-03-21 09:03:04

    It's really hard to make a good story with a known ending...

    How to express the Brexiteers, under the heavy pressure of the Remainers led by the ruling party, and finally achieve a turnaround against the wind, is what the audience wants to see. It's a pity that the director's ambition is too heavy, not only to express his own political position, but also to...

  • Santino 2022-03-21 09:03:04

    What should big data be used for?

    What should big data be used for?

    We have become accustomed to big data's analysis and prediction of user behavior. Shopping APPs monitor your input method to attract you to consume; takeaway APPs know what you want to eat better than you; rental information can always find you accurately; The road...

  • Jamil 2022-03-21 09:03:04

    The inevitable victory of the new politics

    Some surprising things have happened in recent history.

  • Rebecca 2022-03-21 09:03:04

    "Brexit: Unreasonable War"

    The battle for Brexit is like a long-awaited orgy, taking advantage of a political confrontation among the population. However, after the carnival, what people get is not the beauty that people expect, but the loopholes waiting to be solved. Where the UK should go, there is still no conclusion in...

  • Adelbert 2022-03-21 09:03:04

    want to give four stars

    The audio-visual level and playwriting level of the film "Brexit" are relatively average, but it does not hinder the meaning of content, it has the value of time-sensitive thinking, and it is likely to be worth watching many years later. The film is based on the secret story behind the success of...

  • Stan 2022-03-21 09:03:04

    The British can't take it off, so I can find the reason from this piece

    [Short Film Review] These days, I feel bad for them when I look at the inescapable strength of the UK. You said that it would be so difficult to implement Brexit after two years. How did the referendum decision come to be? This requires a look at this "Brexit: Unreasonable War".

    The film tells about...

  • Viviane 2022-03-20 09:02:41

    Play and Farce

    As a loyal fan of BC, it is not easy to endure watching this show, especially when I just watched "Stuart Rewind Life" and "The Third Star" a few days ago, and I was young In the case of the beauty... well, yeah, it's only one episode but it's still a drama, and I'm surprised too.

    I believe that...

  • Katlyn 2022-03-20 09:02:41

    Should such a decision be left to the public?

    The film tells the story that happened less than a year before the Brexit referendum. It can be said to be ups and downs.

    The Brexiteers, led by Dominic, seized the referendum loophole and ushered in the so-called new political train 'micro-targeted politics under big data'. Attempts to release the...

  • German 2022-01-20 08:01:03

    Biased & Unbalanced

    Mainly because there are too many words and short comments can't be put down ==

    James Graham's script actually has two lines: a Vote Leave from Dominic Cummings (Benedict Cumberbatch), and a spin doctor Craig Oliver (Rory Kinnear) from Cameron zf. The two sides are facing each other. The former has...

  • Blaze 2022-01-20 08:01:03

    A little thought

    (Boris Johnson’s actor looks too much...spray)

    Watching this film is actually quite disillusion, the most impressive is a statistic: 11%. The determined remain faction only accounts for 11%. Most of them are young and well-educated. Because we are all similar people around us, they are completely...